saving her from bad memories

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". Soul come on we're going to be late for school if you don't hurry up" Maka was waiting for me after I went to go brush my teeth and I was taking my time I put on my hoodie then, my headband and grabbed my book bag and ran downstairs ". Sorry it took me so long Maka I had to grab my stuff"' I gave her a grin and kissed her cheek then she smiled. "It's ok Soul but next time try to get up a bit earlier" ". Ah ok" was all I said then I grabbed Maka's hand in mine walking out the door. "Ugh I don't feel so good my head is pounding" Maka said I felt her hand she was burning up ". Maka maybe you should stay at home today you look sick" Maka look like she was about to say something to but she closed her eyes and, passed out if it wasn't for me catching her in my arms she would have hit the ground hard. I gently put her on the ground putting my hoodie underneath her and pulling out my cellphone dialing her dad's cellphone number her dad didn't really like me probably because of how I look but, I love Maka with all my heart and I would never hurt her not like Kid did. It took about twenty minutes until he finally answered I could hear his deep guff voice through the phone ". Hey it's me Soul". Soul what do you want?!?! ". It's about Maka sh_ I was cut off by him yelling at me, " What did you do to my little girl?! Did you hurt her?! I swear if you did I'll destroy you!!! ". She passed out when we came out of the door to go to school I need your help please" I could feel my voice crack and tears going down my cheeks his voice soften ". Ok I'll be there call Kid too you'll need his help as well, ". Alright please hurry and get here when you can" I pushed the end button then dialed Kid's number he answered right away unlike Maka's dad ". Hey Soul what's up?" Kid I need your help it's Maka she passed out in my arms when we were about to go to school". Ok I'll there soon see you then" ok see you please, just hurry before it's too late ". Don't worry Soul I'll be there" I hang up the phone and put it my pocket holding Maka waiting for her dad and Kid to get here hoping they make it in time.

((Ok wow this was a long chapter in going to have to make a part 2 of this please tell me how it is and what was your favorite part))

Being together finallyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora