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". Ready Maka?" I said as I stood next to her on top of an building that we were standing on waiting for the monster who have been, killing people for their souls. "Ready Soul" I got into my scythe form and she grabbed, me and spund me around ". Careful Maka! Geez I'm not a sword! ". Sorry Soul" she smiled then jumped out in front of the monster ". Jack the ripper you have eaten your last human soul for the last time. She gripped me lightly and run towards the kishin and fought after, what seemed like forever we finally won. The fight and the kishin died and turned into a soul I transform into my human form then ate it and we walked home in slient Maka normally, talks to me while we walk home but this time it was just too quiet I looked over to her. Her hair was covering her face and her hands were, behind her back she finally spoke but I could barely hear her so I stopped and made her look at me she looked at me with those big green eyes of hers that made my heart beat every time I stared at them I had, no idea why I felt like this I heard her mumbled something but I couldn't hear her ". What was that?" I leaned in more so I could hear her ". Nothing Soul I'm fine don't worry" I just shrugged my shoulders and backed away then we went home in slient once again. I laid in bed that night calling myself an baka for not telling Soul how I felt about him we've been friends and parnthers since the day we meet I met him in a dark room and, he was playing the piano he was pretty good at it after that we shook hands and we've been friends ever since then I developed an crush on him, I didn't think that I would feel that way every since me and Kid broke up but, that was before everyone had meet Kid and I were still friends we became closer then we were before and now I'm falling in love all over again with Soul

((Can someone please tell me if I should continue or not with this story please? I wanna continue but I need to know if I should))

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