Chapter 14- One Final Gift

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" Lloyd.." His voice said, and time itself froze. The prisoners around us seemed to disappear, and it was just me and him.
" Dad.." I breathed. He was young once again, his brown hair styled just like it was normally, but one feature about him was different. It was breath-taking.

His eyes were no longer gray, but were green like my own. A pure, shining green- Like an emerald.

" Thank you, son." He said. " Because of you, my legacy shall live on...Never forget this, Lloyd..I am always with you.." A tear trickled down my cheek. He gave me a sympathetic smile.
" Do not be sorrowful, son..I am going to a Realm unlike any you've ever seen..I will be with my Father, and we shall celebrate over the works being down below. And, if you continue to be pure in your actions, you shall join us one day soon." A smile crept onto his lips. " Now, cry no more." I wiped away my final tear, and nodded. My outfit began to glow, and a golden light swirled around me. My hoodie, T-shirt, and jeans began changing into an ornate kimono. It was my father's. The lights faded, and the spirit of my father stood infront of me. He was no long transparent, but fully visable.

" This is my final gift to you." He said.
" Thank you, Father..." I breathed. He smiled.
" Good bye, my son..." He said, and he began to fade away from my vision.
" So long, dad..." I said, a smile on my lips. He was right. He would always be with me. I took in a deep breath, closing my eyes. Never alone... Never alone. I let the breath out, and opened my eyes. I felt a new kind of power surging through me... A kind of power that would win the war. Ninjago would be free... All because of my father's sacrifice. I narrowed my eyes, and turned around.
" Look out, Morro... I'm coming... And I'm very, very angry..." I said, running down the corridor.


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