Chapter 12- Lloyd

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I heard a commotion rise up from the other cells, and I opened my eyes. Had I seriously fallen asleep? And how long had I been asleep?
" Dad!" A faint voice called. I looked up, and saw someone running in my direction. I blinked a few times, not believing what I saw. It couldn't be...But it was.
" Lloyd!" I sighed, as he threw his arms around my neck. He stood back, and nodded.
" It's ok, dad, I'll get you out.." He said, yanking on the chains.
" They can't be broken, they're too thick.." I said. " You shouldn't have come here!"
" I couldn't leave you!" He responded, trying none-the-less to free me.
" Lloyd, Ninjago needs you..." I said. " You need to stop Morro before he can release the Preimminent! "He looked at me with tears in his eyes.
" But.." He said quietly. " If I destroy the Preimminent, then...I may destroy you as well..."
" I am not important..." I told him.
" You are to me!" He cried. " I need you! " In that moment, I was reminded he was still a child. It wasn't fair that he was made older, and it wasn't his fault that his father was Cursed.
" Lloyd, there comes a time when one needs to grow up. I know it isn't fair to you, but you need to move on...No matter what happens to me, you should know, that I will always be with you..." A tear rolled down his cheek, as he gave me one final embrace. I felt tears forming in my own eyes, as I thought about what was about to happen. He stepped back, and sighed.
" You've grown up so much since I last saw you, Lloyd...." I said quietly. " How long has it been?? A month?"
" About a year..." I blinked in shock.
" Wow, that is one heck of a time gap..." He laughed.
" How long has it been for you??" He asked.
" Not even a week." I replied. He frowned, and embraced me once more.
" I'm glad I came... Even if I die here, and Ninjago falls... I'm glad I'm here." He said quietly.

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