Chapter 1- Cursed

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Note: Hello... =) I wrote this story over the summer... a 24-hour project... and I succeeded. =) now, most of this is in Garnadon's POV, but the final parts are in Lloyds. This is also not my greatest work, but it's one of my personal stories... so, you can be sure my heart and soul have been put into this... =) Let the story begin!!


I closed my eyes, and sighed. My son looked up at me, his eyes full of sorrow. I looked down at him, as he became farther and farther away. If only I could pretend this all wasn't real...That I wasn't leaving this realm for eternity. That it was all a nightmare. But it wasn't. I closed my eyes, and reflected on what I had done to bring me to this point of being Cursed. Being bitten by the Devourer- Not essentially evil. Trying to steal the Golden weapons resulted in my banishment to the Underworld. From there, I soon escaped to the Dark Dimension, because I had tricked the king of the Underworld, Samukai, into giving into greed, when the opportunity to possess the weapons arose. I stole the Golden weapons, and created the Mega Weapon, a weapon with the power to create anything one can imagine. I, relentlessly, tried to defeat the ninja, the Guardians of the Green Ninja, and the Green Ninja...Who was my own son. I teamed up with the greatest force of evil all of Ninjago had ever seen-The Overlord. He soon took possession of my body, and destroyed Ninjago, and injured my son in the process.
Then I thought about all the people I impacted. I had stolen my brother's love letter he had written to the girl we liked, Misako, and I won her heart. My brother had recently found out, and he will never forgive me. I tricked her, and she still married me. My son, who spent the beginning of his life with no knowledge of his father, and wanted to be like me- A wretched, evil being. The four ninja- Kai, Jay, Cole, and Zane- , whom I had attacked repeatedly- some of those times almost to the point of death. All because I couldn't stop and realize what I was doing. Because I had no control.... I deserve this.

I felt a tingling sensation throughout my body, and I knew it was only a few moments before it was over. I looked down at Lloyd, and sighed.
" I always wanted to make the world in my image, and I have.." I called to him. "..Through you." He gave me a sad smile, and looked down at the deck of the Bounty. I had also destroyed the original Bounty when the Overlord had possession over me. Another thing to add to my list if horrible things I've done. " Misako." I called to my wife. She looked up at me, and nodded. " I hope that one day, you will forgive me for all that I've done."
" I already have.." She said. I felt hope rise up in me, as I saw her smile at me one last time. I was about to call something to Wu, but it began. I was being cursed. The portal overhead began to draw me in at an alarming rate, and a shock of fear rippled through my body.
" No!!" I screamed, trying to escape it's pull. I wasn't done asking for forgiveness..From Misako. From Wu. From Lloyd.

You deserve this, Garmadon... You do nothing but harm to those you love... just give in already.

I stopped resisting, and closed my eyes. This was the reward for my life. This was the result of all that I had done. So long, Ninjago... I thought, as I plunged into the darkness over head.

This Is Not A Dream....Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora