Chapter 6- Peace

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I woke up the next morning, and reached out to my right, trying to grab my staff. I groaned, and stretched my arm out even farther, thinking maybe I left it in a different spot. I screamed, as I rolled off of the bed, and soon laid on a hard, uneven surface. It wasn't the smooth, polished wood of my bedroom, it was chipped and damp. Then I remembered I was in the Cursed Realm, in a safe house built by a snake. I sighed, and got to my feet. I quickly went through my morning stretches, and took the bucket out by the waterfall. I held the bucket under the flow of water, and soon it was full. I brought it back to the house, and went through the cabinet. Some dried fruit, a chipped plastic cup, a can of beans, a box of tea leaves, and a few unrecognizable things. I sighed, and saw something I didn't notice before. A fireplace. Some wood sat in the fireplace, and a single match lay on the stone mantle. I inspected it, and found a tea pot resting on a stand over the wood. I cried out victoriously, and quickly filled the pot with water, dropping in a few tea leaves. I took the match off the mantle, and willed it to still work. I struck it against the stone, and a small flame flickered in the dim lighting, creating a small bubble of light. I lit a small part of the fire, and then another, and continued until the match died. But, at that point, I already had a roaring fire in the fireplace. I nodded, and put the teapot on the rack. I took the single chair from the table, and placed it against the wall across from the fireplace. The water came to a boil, and my tea was ready. I poured myself a cup, and leaned back in my chair, sipping my drink slowly, its' warmth comforting and familiar. I closed my eyes, and sighed. I didn't know how much time I had left, but that moment, in front of that fire, had to be the most tranquil moment I spent there.

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