Chapter 11- Old Foes

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I was lead down a long line of prison cells, different criminals locked in each cage. From unturned Anacondrai, to Chen's worshippers...Then something caught my eye. A man wearing an Anacondrai skull on his head, and a long, purple cape trailing behind him. His high-pitched voice rang out, and hatred boiled within me. Chen.
" Ok, Clousey-Clouse...I think I know how we can escape!" He said to the person in the next cell over. The person sighed, and looked over, his black ponytail falling over his shoulder.
" Amazing, Master...But, can you remember the fact that we have been CURSED! " He shouted. I had an opening. The guards had their attention on Clouse. I quickly whirled into my spinjitzu, and they flew back about thirty feet. I had but a moment.
" Chen!" I shouted. He looked up, and smiled.
" Ah, Lord Garmadon! What a pleasant surprise seeing you here-" He stopped, when he saw I wasn't not happy to see him. I reach through the bars, grabbed the collar of his shirt, and pulled him against the bars. He screamed.
" Clouse! Help me, he has gone crazy!" He screamed.
" Shut up, you fool!" I hissed. " It's all your fault that Lloyd has been possessed. It's because of you that I'm here! It's because of you, that Ninjago has been put in danger!"
" What do you-" He began.
" Don't play stupid with me, Chen.. Ghosts have invaded Ninjago, and it's all your fault... your lucky I don't kill you right now!!" I shouted, as the two guards came back, and yanked me away, loosening my grip on Chen. He sighed, and leaned against the back of his cell.
" Oh, Garmadon... You were my star pupil.. Now, look where you stand!" He laughed. " Making death threats, because you decided to be cursed... you didn't have to do it, Garmadon.. so, in retrospect, it's all your fault!!" His laugh echoed through out the prison, filling my head. The guards led me past more and more cells, to an area in the open. Two more ghosts appeared, and held thick chains in their hands. I was lead into the center, onto a platform, and the handcuffs were removed. The archer, who's name was also said later to be Soul Archer, aimed an arrow at me.
" Co-opperate, or this time, I WILL NOT miss." He growled. I was brought to my knees, and shackles were locked around my wrist. The ghosts who chained me nodded, and the Soul Archer aimed his arrow away.
" You will not be here long, Garmadon..." He said. " Your time is running out... " They laughed their wicked, ghostly laugh, and left, leaving me to be alone. I sighed, and thought about the war above. How long had it been since I left? Does time work differently in the Cursed Realm, or is it the same? I didn't know, and I had no interest in knowing. I could only think of the pain that was being released upon Ninjago. Be strong, Lloyd...I thought, closing my eyes. Be strong.

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