Chapter 5- Their Weakness

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I kicked the jammed door open, and it bounced against the wall, a loud THUD echoing off the cave walls. I walked in, and pushed it closed behind me. I found a light switch on the wall, and flipped it on, dim lights flooding the house. It was a small, one room house. A small bed occupied the farthest corner, and a small cabinet hung on the wall. I opened it, and found a small supply of non-perishable food. This should last me about a week...I thought, closing the door. A torch lay on a weak table, a piece of flint with the smallest piece of steel lay next to it. A bucket hid under the table, dust collecting around its' rim. I peered back out the door, and saw some water flow from in between some rocks about fifteen feet from the door of the house, creating a small pool of water under it. A small waterfall. I smiled at the creativity of the safe house. There was a note hanging on the wall by a weak nail.

This house is to protect the ones who have been Cursed. The trap surrounding the house is to ensure ghosts do not dare harm you. To reset, yank the rope as hard as you can. It will always activate when someone enters its' premises. It is your best defense against the enemy, for their weakness is water.

Good luck.

Water! I thought. Of course! I soon found the rope, and pulled on it with all of my strength. A click echoed in the cave, and the trap was reset. The bed called to me, and fatigue overcame me like a flood. The second I rested my head against the crude pillow, I was asleep. The night was unpeaceful, filled with horrible nightmares of ghosts taking possession of my family... Of watching the ones I loved die horrible deaths, and filled to the brink with evil... Every dream was dripping with it. Evil. The thing that had caused all of this.

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