Chapter 7- The Preimminent

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After I finished my tea, I walked out of the door, and wandered the premises. There wasn't much to look at- Darkness, stone, and the occasional waterfall. That's when I saw it. A stone staircase. Taking the torch, flint ,and steel outside, I quickly started my torch, and left the flint and steel in my robe pocket. I slowly climbed the stairs, taking in the ancient writing engraved on the wall. It was incredible. There was a dim light at the top of the stairs, and I picked up my pace. I soon reached the top, and fear filled every inch of my body. The Cursed Realm and all of its cursed qualities lay before me. Ghosts traveled from every corner of the Cursed Realm, some armed, others not. Stone arched above them all, forming the shape of a rib cage, and, in the center of it all, was a monster. It was black with hundreds of black tendrils flickering around it's body. A large, mouth-like hole consumed the front of the being. Several ghosts bowed before it, and worshipped it. It was their leader. I closed my eyes, and racked my brain for what my brother and I had learned about the Realm when we were younger, but nothing came. The beast roared, and all the ghosts froze, and bowed before their master. One stood, and bowed his head to the being.
" My mistress!" He called, his deep, raspy voice echoing through the rib-like structure. " Morro has escaped through the door, and has started phase one of the mission...But, some of our prisoners escaped, my mistress..." His voice began to tremble. " They went to curse some of the citizens of Ninjago, and will be bringing them back upon their return...For the portal had been opened, and-and...They went t-t-to help the pe-people... I am so sorry, my mistress!!" Their ' mistress ' roared, and two ghosts grabbed his arms. He cried out.
" No! Have mercy! Please!" He cried out. They led him to a large hole, and they hovered over it, the one who spoke in between them. " I had nothing to do with it!! Oh, oh... Oh, please, help me!" Upon the command of their ' mistress ', they let him go, and he fell into the hole. And then their was a splash. Horrific screams echoed from the chamber, a green fog rose up from the water. And then it stopped.
It was a hole filled with water. I turned and ran back down the stairs, their chanting pounding in my head.

" All hail the Preimminent! The one who will rule all!!"

This Is Not A Dream....Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora