Chapter 17 -- Sailing Before The Storm

Start from the beginning

"Shhh, be patient. We have all night." And he bit my earlobe and made me groan.

"Darling," I started to beg Stephen, "I won't last much longer!" Stephen chuckled and started to rub the fly swatter on me, I could tell.

"What is that thing called," I asked him turning my head like that would help me see.

"A type of crop, it's a bdsm toy."

"Hmm," I responded as he hit my breasts lightly, then licked and blew on them.

"Danika, your boobs are getting huge, love," he said with his mouth full of my breast. He pulled an nipped and licked and used the crop gently, making my nipples stand out. I just groaned and started to reach out to him again.

"Do I need to restrain you or can you stand still?" he said and softly swatted my stomach and down my thighs.

"I'll try to stand still, but I want to run my hands down your back and ass!" I said loudly, it was my honeymoon also. Although the last six months has actually been a honeymoon.

Stephen swatted and kissed and held my pussy lips open and softly hit there also. It felt amazing and I couldn't help bucking.

"Love, stand still!" Stephen growled.

"I just can't and it's not fair to ask me that when I have a gorgeous naked man in front of me!" I shouted back, panting and wanting. Oh, so wanting.

Stephen bent down and picked me up and carried me to another room nearby. He shut the door with his foot and put me on a cool, padded surface.

"Can I look now?" I asked hopefully, reaching out to him.

"No," is all he said and I began to feel an ice cube on my cheek.

"Ah," I said arching in surprise, feeling the freezing cube and the melting drops fall off my skin. Stephen ran it down my neck and over my chest and over my breasts as I just gripped my fists and remembered to breathe. I then felt something soft following behind the ice cube, Stephen started rubbing it on my lips and I could smell it's wonderful fragrance.

"Rose," I said and smiled. He leaned down and kissed me, then rubbed the ice cube over my lips. I quickly opened my mouth and took the ice cube from his fingers and bit it in half. That was the end of that. I soon felt something else rubbing over my skin on my stomach and waist, he rubbed this soft thing over my pussy and into my juices.

I then heard him say, "Yumm," and he pressed it to my lips. I could smell strawberry and I bit into it. It had my juices on it, but it tasted good. He then took another one and did the same thing, eating it himself. I couldn't help wiggling a little.

"Delicious, love," he whispered in my ear. Then I heard Stephen get something else out and it jingled a little. I then felt some prickles in a line up and down my skin where he pressed the 'thing'.

"And this is?" I said a little breathlessly.

"A pinwheel," Stephen said. It can be used with a little bit of electricity for exquisite sensations. Electricity? I thought to myself, uh, I never thought of that. "I'd like to try it on you, it feels wonderful."

"Oh," I responded a little hesitantly. "I really just want your cock inside me."

"Oh I plan on it, love," and he kept running the pinwheel all over my skin.

"When do I get to do these things to you? You're always trying new things on me, I want to do new things to you."

"Later, Mate, you can do all these things later. This night is for you." Stephen kept slowly rubbing the pinwheel up and down my arms, chest, stomach, and all over. He would rub it slow, then faster, then slow, it felt nice. He stopped for a minute and I heard a sound of an electric machine, but different than the wand. He then ran the pinwheel over my skin again, and it felt so different! It was delightful in a whole new way, and made the hairs stand on my body where he rubbed it.

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