
*Third Person POV*

"You look a little pale is everything alright?" Autumn asks Rachel, on Rachel's bed. Rachel, standing up.

"Oh, yeah. Just a little tired is all. I don't know why though. Maybe I just need some rest." 

"I think you should have something to eat Rach-"

"No!..." Rachel cuts Autumn off. Autumn stares at Rachel for a moment, studying her face and movements.

Autumn gets a shocked look on her face. "H-Have you been eating Rachel?!.." Autumn asks seriously.

Rachel looks guilty. Her eyes wander somewhere else.

"Answer me Rachel Morgan." The first time Autumn was so serious that she used Rachel's middle name.

"No!.. Alright?!" Rachel spat.

Autumn sat there on Rachel's bed, baffled. "You stopped eating completely now??"

Rachel did a slow nod. Her face like this :\

"Oh Rach." Autumn said sadly. "Why didn't you tell me it had gotten this far?"

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking about anything or anyone else around me. I don't know why but  I was just so focused on this... this-"

"Eating Disorder?" Autumn finished for her. Rachel did a shameful nod. Autumn goes up to her and hugs her tight. She never noticed how thin she really was. "Can I see?" She asks. Rachel answers by pulling up her baggy long sleeve shirt slowly. Autumn's mouth drops open.

Rachel's ribs look like a xylophone. You could use them as one to play music on. Her stomach in the center of her body was sunken in so deep. Her hip bones looked like a skateboard ramp. Sinking in deep to where her waist line is. Her shorts lefta space between them and her waist.

Autumn got emotional. Along with Rachel. They shared everything together. "Haven't your parents noticed?" Autumn asked Rachel about how thin she's gotten lately.

"N-No. They never do. They don't care."

"Yes they do!"

"No, they really don't.."

"I'm sorry Rach." Autumn felt bad. "I should have been there for you more."

"No, don't say that. You were there for me. You have been there for me more than anyone ever has." Rachel assured her and smiled. Causing Autumn to also let out a smile.

"I'm glad I met you." Autumn told Rachel.

"Dito. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Ugh, I hate my cheekbones." Rachel randomly complained.

"Oh, I actually know how to hide them and make them look better. Do you have a make up brush I can use? I think I have just what you need here in my purse. I use it for my face and it works delights." Autumn raves. 

"Oh you're my life saver!" Rachel smiles. "Oh, and It's in my make up bag in my bathroom, on the counter."

Autumn went into the bathroom to grab the make up brush. 

Rachel didn't feel right again suddenly. She felt a sudden pain in her chest. She put her hand up to her chest, where her heart is and held it there. She clenched her hand and hissed in pain. But a quiet hiss. She tried to get out the words to say, but she couldn't.

She seen black dots start to cover her vision more and more, until she could barely see anything. She couldn't stand. Couldn't breathe. Before she knew it, she collapsed onto her bed, back first. Her arms sprawled out onto the bed, along with her body.

Right after that Autumn found the brush and turned back towards the bedroom.

"I found it. I'm pretty sure this will wor-" She stopped talking as she looked up and saw Rachel's unconscious body layed out on the bed.

"Rachel?!?!" She spoke so fast and in such a scared tone. Autumn ran to her quick. She was hovering over her on the bed, but still not quite on the bed, she still kept her distance. Not wanting to suffocating Rachel.

"Rachel!" Autumn said in a panic, shaking her friend for dear life, trying to awaken her. "Please, wake up! Don't do this to me!.. Please." Autumn started to feel the tears well up in her frightened hazel colored eyes. She didn't know what to do. Or what was happening. She had never been in this type of situation before.

Autumn quickly took out her phone and called the ambulance. Telling them that one of her best friend's fainted and is ill. They said they were on they're way. Autumn told them to please hurry and then she hung up quick. She tried to wake up her unconscious friend.

She couldn't lose her. Not to this. Autumn couldn't help but feel helpless. She thought about how this might happen to her if she keeps going down the path she is going down currently. But she can't stop. She knows she can't. Autumn needs this sense of control. She needs it in order to live.

She just wanted everything to be okay again. 

Like it used to be...

But then she was interupted by her thoughts and she saw someone. The same figure as before. In Rachel's bedroom.


"Yes. It's me Autumn."

No... this can't be....

Can it?

Let Me Go [Sequel to Lost, Hopeless, and Destroyed]Where stories live. Discover now