mornings - c.l.

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I wake up to a bright sun shining in my face.

The birds are chirping, and It smells of Axe body spray. Typical.

Memories of last night come flooding into my head. My hands on his shoulders, and his on my hips.

The slow steady speed as I rest my head on his shoulder and he rocks me back and forth.

That's all I can remember. And then I was In his bed. (A/N: They didn't have sex lmao)

I turn over to see Caleb fast asleep.

His mouth partly open, as he takes light inhales and exhales.

His straight hair from the night before Is now curled again, and messed up all over his face.

I giggle, knowing how mad Katie's gonna be when she see's It.

He's such a beautiful boy. I still don't know how he does It.

I stare at him for a while. Taking note of his breathing pattern now and then while I look.

I then grow tired of staring at him.

I fix his hair, moving It slightly to the side, and brushing It against his forehead.

"Caaaalleeeeb", I whisper In his ear, smiling.

The brunette boy doesn't move. He must be really tired.

I put my hand on his arm, rocking him slightly back and forth.

"Caaaalleeeeb", I say a little louder this time. He groans.

"C'mon. Please wake up.", I say, leaning over him.

He doesn't move.

I sigh, falling back onto my pillow.

Suddenly, I have an Idea.

"Oh Caaaalleeeeb", I tease, grabbing a pillow.

He doesn't see me. Here's my chance.

"WAAAKKKE UPPPP", I hit him once on the head, messing up his hair.

"What the heck, Y/N!", he groans. But I hit him again.

"WAKEY WAKEY!", I hit him, laughing my soul out.

"Y/N, stop!". He's slightly giggling as he opens his eyes and tries to grab a pillow. I pin him down.

"Not so fast", I smirk, and he laughs.

He's way stronger though and flips me upside down, so now he's pinning me down.

"This Is for waking me up", he says as he presses his lips to mine. Even though It's morning, the kiss tastes of Fanta orange soda and Strawberries. The best kind.

I smell the scent of his cologne, and sigh as he pulls away.

"Good morning, darling"

caleb logan imagines ↠ c.l.Where stories live. Discover now