Chapter XVI: Cousins

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*Disclaimer: I needed names for Eren's cousins so I used some from the 104th squad. So these characters will be OOC.


After Christmas Levi has only smiled a couple times, I'm not exactly complaining. Although they're mostly smirks when I do something stupid and no one else is around to see him. Regardless, I'm really happy I got him to smile. I feel like our relationship is just getting stronger and stronger. He is at my house almost just as much as he is at Erwin's. I really love spending time with him and it seems he enjoys spending time with me, too.

A couple days after Christmas, still during the break my aunt Riko decided it would be a good idea for my cousins to come stay for a couple of days. Don't get me wrong, I love my cousins it's just that they are a lot to handle on my own since Mikasa always seems to have work.

Samuel is the oldest and a little older than me, he has the personality of someone who likes to be in charge but he's pretty cool about it. Hannah is kind hearted but a little goofy, she's like a less crazy version of Hanji. Then there's Nanaba, he is quieter than the other two and is always on his phone.

Hannah has been sleeping in the master bedroom and the boys have been sharing the guest room. It's already been one night and they're at each other's throats. Basically Samuel snores and Nanaba prefers his space. It's breakfast right now and they're arguing I try to stay out of it but Mikasa is really irritated.

"I've had enough, both of you shut up!" She says slamming her hand on the table making everyone go silent. "Look I don't care where you sleep, if one of you wants to sleep on the couch or in Eren's room go ahead, but I need to go to work."

She leaves out the door quickly still frustrated. Samuel whistles.

"I know I've said this before but she scares me," he comments.

"Yeah she has that effect on a lot of people," I say.

"So Eren what are we going to do today?" Hannah asks with a mouthful of French toast.

"Close your mouth that's disgusting," Nanaba says without looking away from his phone.

I smile at this interaction, it seems vaguely familiar to me.

"Well, what do you guys want to do?" I ask.

"Shopping! I heard there is a cool mall nearby," Hannah says excitedly.

"Yeah it's okay," I shrug.

"Ooh and you can bring your boyfriend!"


"That sounds like a good idea," Samuel chimes in.

"I don't know he's not the most comfortable when it comes to socializing," I say.

"Oh c'mon, I'm super curious you haven't told us hardly anything about him," Hannah whines.

"I'll ask him, Nanaba are you cool with going to the mall," I ask him.

"Whatever," he says, not looking away from his phone.

I text Levi, inviting him to come along and to my surprise he says yes. We get ready and drive to pick up Levi. I meet Levi at the door and greet him with a small peck on the cheek.

"Thanks for this, just as a warning they're a bit weird. They may be a little intense," I say to him.

"I'm friends with Hanji, I'll be fine," he assures me.

"True," I say and we head to the car.

I end up sitting in the middle of Levi and Nanaba, Samuel is driving and Hannah's in shotgun. Hannah turns back to us.

"Hey Levi, I'm Hannah, this is Samuel and the emo kid over there is Nanaba."

"I'm not emo you uncultured swine," Nanaba says gruffly.

Levi just nods politely. The car ride wasn't long although a bit uncomfortable being stuck in the back, middle seat but it wasn't too bad. When we got to the mall we went to all the stores Hannah wanted to go to. The only store I am really interested in going to Hot Topic. Levi has his eye on a Black Butler shirt the entire time so I secretly buy it for him. It was getting close to noon so we decide to eat at the food court.

"So Levi, I think the question we all are thinking of is why dating a loser like Eren," Samuel says jokingly.

"Hey!" I say in outrage but not seriously.

Levi shrugs. "He is amusing I suppose."

"Rude!" I say leaning over, kissing him on the cheek.

"Awe you guys are so cute!" Hannah squeals.

I smile and we all finish eating. We go to a couple more stores. Samuel asks for my help on buying some exercise stuff, like I know know anything about that, I'm an Internet boy. We meet back up with the others and to my surprise Levi and Nanaba are in a heated argument. We're scared to get close, they both are radiating anger.

Hannah says they arguing about a video game and that Levi claims to be able to do a move that only like five people in the world have figured out.

I take a deep breath and walk over to them, putting my hand on Levi's shoulder. "How about we go back to my house and you guys can settle this."

Levi looks at me and reluctantly gives in. Both boys glare at each other and sitting in between them the entire ride home is by far the scariest experience of my life. We get to my house and I put the game in. It is by far the most epic thing I have ever watched, both of them are very, very good. At the end while there dueling Levi does something and it happens so quick I couldn't tell what really happened. It drains Nanaba's life leaving everyone speechless.

"That's the first time I've ever seen anyone beat him at a game," Samuel says in awe.

"How?" Nanaba asks Levi in shock.

"I'm good at what I do," Levi says unperturbed.

Nanaba then starts talking to him about the game and other games. Levi responds occasionally and we all hang out together until it gets late.

"It's getting late, do you want me to take you home?" I ask Levi.

"No stay, Levi is so cool," Hannah objects.

"Do you want to just stay over?" I ask.

He shrugs and ends up staying and hanging out. Everyone eventually goes to bed and Levi and I head to my room.

"Oh I got you that shirt," I say as I look for clothes for him to sleep in.

"You didn't have to get me anything," he says scrunching his face.

"Of course I do your my boyfriend I want to buy you stuff."

"I'm not that great."

I grow concerned at his sudden confession of insecurity. I go over to where he is seating on my bed.

"I've never seen Nanaba talk or get excited over anything that much in my entire life, you are the coolest person I know and I have to say you beating him made me the proudest boyfriend ever," I say seriously.

He blushes slightly and I put my hand in his cheek.

"Now stop doubting yourself, okay?" I say poking his nose and smiling at him.
He then smiles a small but genuine smile and I leans over and kiss him.

"Alright," he says.

We then finish getting ready for bed and fall asleep together.

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