Chapter VIII: The Party (part 1)

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Previously: Hanji has planned a party and most everyone Eren and Levi knows will be there.


A/N: Yes I do realize a party and truth or dare is incredibly cliché, especially when it comes to Ereri. In any case this entire story isn't the most original thing, I hope you enjoy it regardless.


Mikasa and I arrive at the party ten minutes late due to a long argument about me going in the first place. I didn't even really want her to come but she is a part of our group and was invited. I was also worried because she has already said she doesn't really like Levi. She eventually gave in though. Tonight is going to be more stressful than I thought.

When we arrived almost everyone was already there. They were all seated in a giant circle in Erwin's living room. Erwin's parents are pretty well off so his house is huge.

"Eren over here!" Armin calls to me from a sofa and motioned for me to sit.

Mikasa looks unhappy with having to leave me but reluctantly sits next to an armchair where Jean was seated next to Aurou, who is a friend of Erwin's and presumably Hanji's. I sit down in between Armin and Levi, Erwin is seated on the other side of Levi so with all four of us on the couch it is kinda uncomfortable. I greet Levi and he responds by nodding, his eyes are telling me he is clearly uncomfortable in a room full of people. I don't mind being is close proximity to Armin given we've known each other forever and are best friends. Being this close to Levi however is an entirely different story. I try my best to give him as much space as possible but it's not working out and it's a bit awkward. Levi didn't seem to mind though.

"Okay! It looks like everyone is here lets get started!" Hanji says in loud voice silencing everyone.

"I figured we would start with truth or dare and see where that takes us, there are drinks in the kitchen. Don't worry nothing alcoholic and the forfeit if you refuse a truth or dare is stripping to your underwear and running up and down the street, any questions?"

Aside from the looks of fear in some people's eyes there were no questions.

"Alright, Petra you start!" She says to Petra who is sitting to her left.

Petra goes and spins an empty bottle that Hanji had placed in the center of the circle of people and it lands on Mike. Everyone looks at Mike who smiles but you can see the fear in his eyes.

"Dare!" He says semi-confidantly.
Petra couldn't think of what to do, her being a nice person. Aurou ended up whispering an idea in her ear.

"Smell the feet of everyone in the room," she says blushing embarrassed.

Everyone laughs because Mike has a really, really good sense of smell and I imagine strong smells really get to him. When he is done Hanji hands him a container of hand sanitizer hoping the better smell would help.

"Just for the record Levi's feet smell the cleanest," he says while inhaling the smell of the sanitizer.
Every one laughs and Levi looks a bit proud of himself. I'm glad he's having an okay time so far. The game continues with Mike landing on Sasha who he dares to go five minutes without eating. It goes without saying she didn't make it.

The game goes on for another hour, Annie is now dressed as a princess(and not happy about it), Bertolt had to do the bloody marry ritual and Reiner volunteered to do it with him because he was terrified, Erwin's eyebrows are now green and Gunther admitted to having stolen a glass figurine from the principal's office. Connie's head is now covered in marker from Sasha but oddly enough it wasn't a dare. Mikasa has managed to avoid doing anything so far. I had dance part of Anaconda but I can dance and I must say I was quite fabulous (A/N: moves like Jaeger!!!). Levi got a truth and was asked if he had ever killed someone. The answer was no, but I don't think anyone was convinced. The game has gotten more intense as the night has gone on not to mention more strange.

"Armin!" Sasha squeals as it landed on him.

"Dare," he says with squeak of terror.
"Sing heyayayayayay, I said hey, what's going on? While doing a head bang," she said with a huge grin on her face.

Needless to say it was incredibly funny I almost died laughing. After another hour Hanji spins Levi and the whole room goes silent. Hanji has an evil smile on her face and Levi is giving her a look that says, "I will kill you".

"Dare," he says.

"I dare you to sit on Eren's lap facing him for the rest of the night," she says.
Everyone oohs and Levi just rolls his eyes, says "whatever" and comes and sits on my lap facing me.

"Hi," I say with an uncomfortable smile.

He just looks at me then looks back around and reaches to spin the bottle. So we spent the next couple of hours like that. Mikasa kept glaring at me and especially at Levi. A few more embarrassing moments, Erwin acted out scenes from Captain America, Erd is sitting upside down in his chair, Krista has cat whiskers because no one could dare anything harsher for fear of Ymir, Sasha chugged an entire Redbull and is shaking like crazy and by now people are falling asleep simultaneously.

The highlight of the evening though was when Jean was dared to confess to his crush. I thought in my head if he does Mikasa instead of Marco I will punch him. He didn't though, it was adorable he looked over at Marco, they were sitting on the same couch and said.

"Hey, um, Marco I kinda like you... will you go out with me?" He said scratching the back of his head blushing.

Marco was also blushing and had his hands on his mouth. After Jean asked he just hugged him and Jean hugged him back awkwardly.

"I'll take that as a yes," he said.
Marco just pulled away and nodded rapidly, even more red than before.

It was the cutest thing ever but don't let Jean know I think that. Because he then dared me to get everyone a drink while carrying Levi and Levi despite being short, is heavier than you would think and didn't help me at all. Eventually the game ended and most everyone fell asleep.

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