Chapter XIII: Thanksgiving Dinner

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Previously: Levi and Eren have been dating for quite some time now. It is now time to meet the parents. *cue ominous music*


My dad and Mikasa's mom are coming home for Thanksgiving this year. Of course they told us this a week before the actual day and I had already invited Levi over. Not that I have a problem with Levi meeting my parents I'm just not excited for an entire evening of inevitable awkwardness. I've already told them about him over our weekly Skype call but I haven't said much and my dad is... well, very forward. I'm a nervous for both Levi and myself.

They fly in the day before Thanksgiving. I've already warned Levi of the inevitable weird questions and he says he doesn't mind. They don't really care that I'm gay but I think it's a bit weird for them but it's not like they're that involved in my life to begin with. I'm probably thinking about it too hard, again.


Today is Thanksgiving, our parents got home late last night and Mikasa and I are spending the day preparing the meal. Granted it was like one in the afternoon when we started because nether of us felt like getting up early on vacation.

"Hey kids why are you working so hard isn't it your vacation?" My dad says jokingly, walking only the kitchen.

"It's cool you guys got in late last night," I say while in the process of making mashed potatoes.

"We're almost done and it's almost five, Eren you should go get Levi," Mikasa says while preparing the turkey.

"Ooh the famous Levi," Dad says with mock awe.

I smile rolling my eyes. "I'll go pick him up when I'm done with this."

"No problem dear I can finish it," Mikasa's mom says coming into the kitchen.

"You sure?"

"Yes of course, go get the boy."

I drive over to Erwin's and Levi meets me at the door. He is dressed nicer than usual and he usually dresses nice. I feel a bit underdressed as I'm wearing clothes I wasn't afraid to get food on. We get in the car and drive back to my house. When we pull in the driveway I take a deep breath. He looks at me with concern in his eyes.

"Overthinking things again?" He asks.
"No! I'm just nervous, my dad is a bit... intense," I say sighing.

"I can handle myself," he says.

"Yeah I know, I'm just not prepared for my own embarrassment," I lean my forehead against the steering wheel.

I feel his finger on my cheek make a wiping motion. I look at him and he wipes his finger on a handkerchief he had in his pocket. I swear he's the only kid these days who carries around a handkerchief. It's weird but kinda cute.

"What was that for?" I ask holding my cheek.

"You had sauce on your cheek," he says.
He moves my hand away and kisses me on the cheek. I blush and pull him in for a full on kiss.

"We should probably go in," he says into the kiss.

I pull away and sigh. I'm not as nervous now but I just want to be with Levi. We head inside and my family is already sitting at the table with the food all laid out. They greet us and I take Levi's hand and lead him over to the table.

"It's an honor to finally meet you Levi,"Mikasa's mom says and shakes Levi's hand.

He nods politely and then goes to shake hands with my father. He gives vice-grip handshakes which was something I was worried about. But Levi took it just fine, expression unchanging and everything. This seems to impress my dad.

"It's nice to meet you young man," my dad says smiling.

"Likewise," Levi responds politely.

We sit down and start eating and a few minutes in my dad speaks up.

"So Levi tell us about yourself, Eren hasn't told us that much so we're a bit curious, like what is your age?what are your hobbies? And maybe why you decided to eat thanksgiving dinner here instead of with your family?"

I open my mouth to speak for Levi but he squeezes my hand in reassurance.

"I am the same age as Eren, I don't have a family, I live with an old friend. I enjoy cleaning, reading and spending time with your son," he says confidently.

I smile at him and I'm pretty sure I'm blushing. Mikasa's mom gives out a big "awe" while Mikasa herself just rolls her eyes.

"Well said," my dad says studying Levi.

"What are you interested in, career wise?" He asks next.

"I'm not sure, I have an interest in writing," Levi responds maintaining eye contact.

"Hmm that's nice."

We continue eating, Mikasa and her mom start talking about stuff and Levi and I still have our hands intertwined under the table.

"So Eren how did you two get together?" Mikasa's mom asks.

"Um, he started at our school this year and we had a couple classes together. We eventually became friends and you know stuff," I say halfheartedly, mixed with embarrassment and discomfort.

"That's sweet," she says smiling at the two of us.

"It was mostly Eren harassing him," Mikasa says smirking at me.

"That does sound like Eren," my dad comments.

"Hey," I object.

"Yes speaking of which, Levi we're also wondering why you would date Eren in the first place," my dad continues.

"Again what the heck!" I know he's joking but I have my honor to defend.

Levi just shrugs and continues eating, everyone else laughs. I lean back in my chair in defeat.

"I thought you were on my side," I say quietly to Levi.

"I am, you're just easy to tease and it's amusing," he says back.

I grumble at this but I eventually give up and go back to eating.

The rest of night went well, most of the conversations weren't too awkward. When it comes time for Levi to go we go out to the porch and I close the door behind us.

"You didn't have to have Erwin come, I could have driven you," I say.

"It's fine you should spend as much time with your parents while they're here," he says.

"I rather spend time with you," I hug him. "They are leaving tomorrow do you want to come over Saturday?"

He pulls out of the hug still with my arms on his shoulders.

"Of course," he says.

After a second of just staring at each other I ask,

"Just so I don't stress over this later. You real do like me right? I mean, you aren't just my friend because I wouldn't stop bugging you?"

He looks at me confused but then rolls his eyes.

"You have nothing to worry about. If I didn't like you I wouldn't be here," he says, it me feel reassured.

Just then Erwin drives up. I smile sadly at him and lean down and kiss him goodbye. He kisses back and then leaves to Erwin's car. I smile and wave goodbye until the car is out of sight. I turn around and see in the front window my three family members!

They were watching us! I wouldn't put it past my dad but the other two?
Since when did my family turn into stalker Hanji (which is the scariest form of Hanji there is). I go back inside and they all, even Mikasa, grin at me.

"Seriously?!" I almost shout.

"He seems like a nice young man," Mikasa's mom says ignoring me.

"Yes, I agree," my dad concurs.

Mikasa just smirks at me and I sigh. What is with the people in my life?

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