Chapter IV: Help From Hanji

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Previously: Eren is determined to get Levi to talk to him... or even become his friend.


The weekend went by really fast, I've never looked forward to Monday more in life. In fact I don't think I've ever looked forward to a Monday, ever. I arrived at school early. It was all a part of my plan. I told Mikasa I was meeting up with Hanji for help in science.

Which wasn't a total lie, I was meeting with Hanji, just for a different reason.
Hanji was always there early in one of the science labs. I don't know how she got permission to do experiments without supervision. I'm surprised she hasn't burned down the school yet. She is a bit crazy, and when I say a bit...

"Oh hey Eren!" She squeals excitedly upon seeing me.

"Sup, Hanji?" I say smiling.

"Not much my little Titan boy, did you come to help me with my experiment, do you know how to use a scalpel?" Like I said, crazy.

"Um no, I actually came to ask your advice on something," I say stepping back for safety.

"Of course, of course, what can Mama Hanji help you with?" She asks.

"Well, gosh I don't know how to say this but I sort of ran into Levi a couple of times and I try to talk to him but he won't say anything. Since your friends I thought maybe..."

"Wait Eren, start from the beginning. How exactly did you "run" into him?"

I take a deep breath and sigh. I begin to tell her the entire story starting with him saving me and ending with me trying to approach him last Friday.

When I finished Hanji had a huge smile on her face.

"So you came to me for advice on how to be friends with Levi?"

"I'll honestly be happy if he just talks to me or doesn't hate me," I confess.

"Oh Levi doesn't hate you, silly. Plus your already farther than most people. He has actually said words to you so there is that," she looked at me like she studying one of her specimens.

"Well I guess you should just use the tried and true method. Namely the one that me and Erwin used. Basically you bother him incessantly, that includes talking to him and forcing him to hang out with you. Just do that until he finally gives in and before you know it you'll be the best of friends!"

"Wow," I say staring at her, she really is crazy.

What she said made some sense. But since it was Hanji I'm not too sure.

"Thanks I guess I'll try that."

"Yes, yes of course I can guarantee that my advice is sound," she says as I started to leave.

As I left she she gave me some parting advice."Levi is a nice person really, he just doesn't show it. A lot of bad things have happened to him in his life and he doesn't feel like he can trust anyone anymore. And he has the right to feel that way but he needs more friends than just me and Erwin,"

I nod, I am even more determined now, than ever to talk to Levi and to become his friend. The things that Hanji said made me a bit curious and it has made me even more motivated to get to know him.


I made it to second period. During history I was so nervous regardless of how tired I was I couldn't sleep and/or concentrate at all. I have some sort of a plan and if I take it slow, it should all work. Well, as long as I can stay calm.
I walk into the classroom and go to sit, but instead of looking at Armin I look at the seat behind me and see Levi. He is already looking at me. When we make eye contact I smile and say:
"Hi, Levi!"

His eye twitches and he doesn't say anything. As I sit down in my seat he looks away and stares at the wall. Armin gives me a confused look and I just shrug. I am happy I was able to keep it together so well. This is seriously messing with my head, but I'm too far in to back down now.
I was a nervous wreck for the rest of the day. During lunch Mikasa kept insisting I go home because I looked ill.

During P.E. I say "hi" to him in the locker room (with no response of course). I end up team captain for a weird variation of dodgeball and I choose him first to be on my team. Not exactly subtle but Hanji is usually right, even though a bit insane.

During the game he does very well even with the advantage of being small. Someone pointed this out and got a kick in the shin.

Mental note: height is a sensitive subject for him. Our team won pretty easily, afterwards I approached him.

"Good game, man!" I say enthusiastically, holding up my hand for a high five.

He just looks at me and walks past me. Geez, this is gonna be harder than I thought.

I couldn't find him after school, also I couldn't look long because I was meeting up with Armin to study.

"So what was up with you today?" Armin asks.

"I'm trying to become friends with Levi or at least get him to talking to me," I say leaning back on his couch, sighing dramatically.

"So you like him?"

"No, I mean, it's hard enough even to look him in the face, he's a really scary guy."

"But you also like him."

"Yes, no, maybe... I don't know, why is it so important!?"

"Well you aren't exactly anti-social but you rarely go to such extreme lengths to get someone to be friends with you."

"He just seems like he needs a friend and I just feel driven to be that friend."

"Whatever you say Eren," he says grinning.

"Shut up, Armin!"

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