Chapter XV: Christmas/Birthday

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Previously: Both Christmas and Levi's birthday are coming up so Eren has two big events to deal with.


I'm one of those people who really loves getting into Christmas spirit. Mikasa and I go all out in decorating the house. Levi has been spending more and more time at my house, especially during the break. I've been getting really excited as Christmas gets closer and I think he's getting kinda annoyed with me.

"Hey Levi can you help me put these lights over the mantle!" I say untangling lights and dragging them towards the fireplace.

"You have got to be kidding me," he says with a sigh, we have already been at this for awhile.

"C'mon get in the spirit of things!"
"We have been decorating for three hours."

"The more decorations there are, the better the presents are from Santa!"

"Are you five?" He says putting his fingers on his forehead.

I smile goofily at him. He sighs again, then comes over to me and ruffles my hair. He then helps me put up the lights. We finish a few minutes later and I make us tea. Levi is sitting at the table watching me.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I ask while making the tea.

He shrugs. "Hanji is worse, I'm used to it."

"Oh that makes sense," I say grinning.

"Plus your cuter, makes it easier to tolerate you," he says with an endearing look in his eye, no smile yet but I'm almost there.

"Awe thanks babe," I say giving him a quick kiss as I hand him his tea.

He rolls his eyes and sips his tea.


Christmas is finally here! I wake up around seven after a night of almost no sleep and run to Mikasa's room.

"Mikasa wake up it's Christmas!" I yell.

"Ugh Eren it's too early." She says hiding from the light under her covers.

"Come on Kasa!"

"Fine, fine give me a minute."

I rush downstairs and make us hot chocolate and pancakes. Mikasa eventually comes downstairs in her pajamas. I love Christmas, even people like Mikasa can relax a little.

"Yay presents!" I say handing her a plate of food and a drink.

She shakes her head smiling at me. We exchange presents, she got me a new video game I've been wanting and I got her a soccer ball signed by some soccer player. It took a lot of time to get that thing but totally worth it. Our parents sent us gift cards and we finish off the morning talking and hanging out together.

Mikasa is going to go spend the afternoon at Annie's while I go to Erwin's to celebrate Levi's birthday with Hanji and Erwin. After that we'll come back to my house and have dinner with Mikasa. I get to Erwin's and Levi answers the door.

"Merry Christmas and happy birthday!" I say jovially, hugging him tightly.

He shakes his head at me and motions for me to come inside. The tree they have fits the giant house really well. I stand in the hallway staring at it, call me a Christmas fanatic but that is a freaking impressive tree. Levi walks by and flicks my head.

"Hey!" I say grinning, I follow him and sit down with him on the couch.

"Where are Hanji and Erwin?" I ask.

"Hanji wanted Erwin's help collecting snow samples."

"Can't she get snow from her house."

"I don't know I wasn't paying attention, something about different kinds of snow in different areas of the city or whatever."

"Oh okay," I say still confused but I don't press it.

We sit in silence for a half a minute then I say.

"Happy birthday Levi!"

I hug him quickly and he looks at me dazed. Once he snaps out of it he pulls me in for a kiss. I deepen the kiss and he doesn't pulls away. I pull him closer and he eventually is on my lap. We pull away for breath.

"I love you, you know?" I tell him.

The sides of his mouth twitch, is he trying to smile? Can he? I caress his cheek, grinning encouragingly. He blushes slightly and kisses me again so I don't see his red face.

After a few minutes we here someone behind us clear their throat loudly. We look to see Hanji and Erwin smiling at us.

"So are you guys going to suck face all day or are we going to celebrate?" Hanji asks with that crazy look she always has in her eye.

I blush in embarrassment and Levi just rolls his eyes.

"I fail to see how they are different," Levi comments.

"Levi!" I say blushing fiercely.

Hanji cackles and grabs a couple presents from under the tree. She hands one to me and two to Levi.

"Oh sorry Hanji I didn't get you anything," I apologize.

"No problem I get everyone presents regardless of whether we're friends or not," I give her a confused look.

"It's true," Levi says but doesn't elaborate.

I give Levi his birthday present, "The Blood of Olympus" I noticed he was missing it in his collection. He kisses me and says thank you as Hanji "awes" and Erwin just grins. We hang out for a couple of hours until Erwin's parents get back from Erwin's dads work brunch thing and Hanji leaves to face a hoard of little cousins at home. Levi and I get back and help Mikasa, who had already returned and was preparing dinner. Nothing as elaborate as our Thanksgiving dinner but good food all the same and dinner conversation is much less uncomfortable.

Mikasa turns in early because she has work in the morning. I feel bad for her, working on Black Friday sounds terrifying. Levi and I sit on the couch together and he hands me a gift. It is a whole bunch of really nice art supplies, which is awesome because nice stuff is really expensive.

"Oh my gosh, thank you!" I say hugging him.

I hand him his Christmas present from me, I drew a realistic portrait of him. Not anything super special but I put a lot of effort into making it perfect.

"Sorry it's not super great," I say scratching the back of my head.

He looks at it for a minute then says. "Shut up you idiot, it's perfect," he says.

I blush at his comment. He sets the picture down on the coffee table in front of of and moves closer to me. He intertwines one of his hands in mine and looks me right in the eyes.

"Eren, I care very deeply about you," he says and his lips curve slightly until they form a small smile.

My heart skips a beat and I don't stop looking at him until the smile fades. I then give him another big hug and kiss him deeply. No need for words.

Best Christmas present... no scratch that, best Christmas ever!


I started this story awhile ago so I've been a few chapters ahead and I just completed the book. It will end up being about 27 parts so since I'm done I'll probably update daily. Hope you've enjoyed it so far, fluffiness is yet to come.

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