Chapter V: Hang Out With Me?

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Previously: Eren is doing everything he can to get Senpai to notice him (A/N: I couldn't not say like that, sorry).


For the next two weeks I continued to do the same thing. I greeted Levi whenever I saw him and he of course didn't respond but he did look at me, with an expressionless face. I would occasionally talk to him in a slightly awkward one sided conversation but I remained determined. I feel kinda guilty for sort of forcing the friendship or whatever this is onto him, but he hasn't told me to stop. And I told him that, if he really wants me to stop talking to him he just has to say it and I'll respect his wishes.

Anyway it is now Friday and I'm going  to try to take this friendship to the next level!

"Hey Levi!" I call running up to him, he is at his usual spot he waits at after school.

"Hey, so I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me tomorrow, Mikasa has some soccer retreat or whatever, so she won't be annoying," I ask with excitement.

He shrugs and looks at his feet.
Well at least it wasn't a no! I think trying to keep from running away in embarrassment.

"Well here's my number and I'll text you, okay?"

He takes the piece of paper I hand to him and looks at me and nods.

"Alright awesome!" I say with a smile.
I turn and run off as fast as I can, I nearly run into Erwin from going too fast. My heart is pounding and I run all the way home just for the sake of shaking off all the adrenaline. I am both proud of myself and terrified of what I just did. I mean most of me expected and still expects him to turn me down but still there is hope!

"Dang it!" I say out loud, face palming myself. 

It just occurred to me that I gave him my number but didn't get his so I can't contact him. I have to wait for him to respond, or not. Ugh, nice going Yaeger!

"Hey Eren I'm home," I hear Mikasa come through the door.

"Your home early," I say, walking into the living room.

"Yeah, he let us out early so everyone can get ready for the retreat. I have to be there at six. I'll be back around ten Sunday morning. Are you gonna be okay home alone for that long? I can have Aunt Riko come check on you."

"I'm fine Mikasa, I'm not a kid anymore geez!"

"I know, I know I'm just worried,"
"Well you don't need to be, I'm 17 I can take care of myself. I want you to go have fun with your team and not spend your time worrying about me."

"Thanks, I'm gonna go get ready," she says heading up to her room.

I go into the kitchen I pace to try to calm myself down and decide to play some video games to get my mind off of Levi. That of course didn't stop me from checking my phone every two minutes.

"Okay Eren I'm leaving," Mikasa says to me carrying to bags while making her way towards to door.

"Need help?" I ask, both bags were ginormous how much stuff does one girl need?

"Nah I got it." Luckily Mikasa is scary strong.

"So make sure all the doors and windows are locked at night. No parties and clean up after yourself."

"Yeah, got it," I say rolling my eyes.

"Are you planning on having Armin over or something?" She asks.

"Nah me and my old friend Netflix have some catching up to do."

"Make sure your don't spend all weekend just looking at a screen," she says smiling.

"Of course, have fun," I say giving her a hug.

"See yah, stay safe."

"Bye, Kasa."


So here is the story of how I died... Almost. Probably a bit over dramatic but still. My weekend as you can guess was quite eventful to say the least.

I spent Friday night doing everything I could possibly think of to distract myself. I even cleaned the entire house, I mean the ENTIRE house. I'm not the kind of person who stress cleans. I noticed Levi disliked uncleanliness. Whenever confronted by dirt he scrunches up his face in the cutest way... No, nope can't catch me gay thoughts!

I tried to play video game but I couldn't focus. I tried surf the internet but was dissatisfied with everything. The entire time checking my phone so much that just doing that wasted half my battery.

I stayed up until probably three in the morning although I don't remember for sure. But when I woke up (which was around eleven) I saw there was a new message. I couldn't quite make it out because my phone was on my night stand and my eyes were blurry from just waking up. When I actually did get a good look at it I flipped out. I screamed and threw my phone across the room. Once I calmed down I picked up my phone, luckily it was fine. Then I looked at the text again.

Unknown: This is Levi, do you still want to hang out today?

It was sent a hour before. I quickly texted back.

Eren: Yeah totally sorry I just woke up do u want to just come over to my house? We can hang out play video games or watch a movie or something

Then after a minute he texted back.

Levi: Okay

Eren: do u want to come over now? Do u need a ride I don't have a car but maybe u live close by I can walk over

Levi: Now is fine if it's alright with u. I have a ride

Eren: Now is cool! U sure?

Levi: Yes, what is ur address?

Eren: *insert random address* I guess I'll see you in a few minutes

Levi: Yes

Eren: Awesome:)

I took a deep breath and layed back on my bed. I was a bit sad that the first full sentence he said to me was through a text but it was still better than nothing. I felt giddy, excited as well as terrified. Once I came down from the shock I jumped out of bed, ate a quick breakfast and made sure the house was neat. I kept looking at the clock which, of course didn't make the time go by any faster. All I could do is wait.


A/N: Cliffhanger anyone?

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