Chapter VI: Levi Comes Over

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Previously: Eren invited Levi to come hang out with him, Levi accepted and is on his way over.


*ding dong*

I jumped up off the couch and went to the door. I placed my hand on the door knob, took a long deep breath and opened it. Levi was standing there wearing black skinny jeans and a MCR t-shirt. He stared at me blankly. I snapped out of my gaze, smiled and motioned for him to come in.

"So um, who gave you a ride?" I asked awkwardly.


"Oh," I felt guilty for inconveniencing Erwin.

"I live at his house," Levi said reading my thoughts.

Well then this just got even more awkward if that is even possible. I couldn't very well ask him why, just to satisfy my curiosity.

"So Levi what do you want to do, guest's choice," I said with a friendly smile.

He looked at me and shrugged. No one likes an argument over who chooses so I decided just to decide for us.

"Well, I got a couple new games over the summer let's see if you like any of them," I said heading into the living room.

We then proceeded to play a couple different games. I've always believed that playing MarioKart is a good way to get to know someone. It really does work and it sort of worked with Levi. He was good at it, I mean really really good. He beat me almost every time but the funny part was when he would get frustrated and swear under his breath. The first time it happened I was shocked and then laughed and said,

"Well I guess it's better than nothing."

He glared at me and I just grinned while keeping my eyes on the screen. I felt a sense of pride that I had gotten both words out him (granted not the nicest words) and then some different facial expressions (although mostly eye roles when I got overly excited or did something stupid). Still I was determined to get to know him better. We played games until around three.

"You hungry?" I asked him.

He shrugged. I internally sighed, he wasn't making this very easy.

"Well I can at least get you something to drink. We have coffee, tea, milk, water and I think we have some soda in the garage."

"Tea," he said simply.

"Okay," I said, walking into the kitchen, trying hard to remember how to make tea.

The only reason we have it is because Mikasa's mom likes it. Given that she isn't here often I hoped what we have hadn't expired. I made the tea without messing anything up and he thanked me when I handed it him.

*self high five*

I got myself some water and and sat down at the table and he joined me. So if he was going to only respond in one-word answers then I'd just have to do the best I could with that.

"So Levi what's your favorite color?" He gave me a slightly confused look and I just smiled politely waiting for an answer.


"Favorite subject in school?"

"Creative writing."

"Any hobbies?"

He took a few seconds to think on this one. And then shrugged.

"Reading," he said not in a very convincing way though.

"Oh come on I'm sure you have more hobbies than that," I said with a smile.
He frowned at me and looked at his drink. Dang it! I'm losing him! I thought.

"Favorite band?"

He pointed at his t-shirt. Yeah I lost him.

We ended up watching a movie after that and halfway through I noticed he fell asleep. I paused the movie and looked at him. I rarely looked at him right in the face because he is so intimidating but when I looked closer I could see bags under his eyes. It made me feel sad and then I noticed I was staring and quickly got up. Trying not to think about how cute he looked while asleep.

I decided to make dinner. Nothing complicated just pancakes, during which I was deciding whether or not to wake him up after I was done. Luckily he woke up and came into the kitchen when I was nearly done. We ate and watched the rest of the movie. After the movie was over, Erwin arrived I assumed Levi contacted him. Either that or he is also psychic. Or maybe it's the eyebrows, I swear those eyebrows hold the secrets of the universe. Why else would they be so big?

"See ya Levi thanks for coming over," I said.

He nodded at me and it was probably my imagination but I thought I saw just a faint shadow of a smile on his lips. He left to Erwin's car but before Erwin turned to follow he thanked me and said,

"He may never say this but he appreciates you trying to befriend him and I'm only guessing but I think he likes you just as much as you like him," before I could respond he waved goodbye and left.

I wonder what he meant by that.


*cue self-advertising*
I'm going to start posting a new story. It's a Neko!Levi x Eren. I'm really excited for it so if that sounds interesting to you please check it out. The chapters will be longer than in this one so I won't update as often.

Anyway I just want to thank everyone who is reading this, it means a lot. Feedback is appreciated, constructive criticism and all that.

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