Chapter 53/Him/And all I got was this lousy singing voice

Start from the beginning

"You're calling him Rockwood, not he who I am not worthy of speaking his name now. I see you've picked up his tendency to go into monologue mode" said Kayla giving me a hint of a smile.

"You really do know how to put a girl down, don't you? Now you've worried me. Look we are nothing a like - He's an evil cyborg overlord, I'm a human slave" I said.

"Together you fight crime, " said Kayla. "Sorry, that just came out. Writing is a nasty habit even the end of the world doesn't' cure you of. Don't worry I'm just pulling your leg about the Monologue business"

"Thanks. I've told you before I don't like him. He keeps me there on the principle that I tell him how parc he is. As soon as I tolerate him or worse I'm toast" I said.

"No, at the end of the day all a machine like him wants from you or me is just one thing, Blood." Said Kayla. I saw she had the red marks on her arm were she had been forced to donate a pint of blood a few days ago. Kayla didn't mind, you could stay in bed the next day to recover, but there was the excessive supply of spinach to deal with.

"Everything else is just stuff to stop us from going mad. Like I clean ducts today and I know as soon as we leave, a bunch of drones come in to do it off properly. So how is petting?" said Kayla.

Before my mid morning nap, I had actually wasted most of the morning playing 123 on my collar. In this game, you were faced with e-slave dilemmas and had to bid on how well you thought the answer was correct and if you were wrong you got a slight collar shock. It was quite strategic but the pace speeded up. By the end of the morning, I had a high score of 120,000. I had tried a few games at the Factory. They were all like guitar hero, you do exactly what the computer tells you to do and when to do it. You got points for following the machine's orders exactly and when they told you. It seemed so patently transparent that the game was there to groom humans to follow machine orders instantly and unquestioningly, I had been surprised anyone had bothered playing them.

123 was much more interesting, and it helped me improve my slave-craft for Rockwood so it was educational. I might be having fun, but I was being productive. It had helped me cope with my fragrance withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes I could imagine I could smell it on me or on him. I'd been resisting the temptation to get my collar to put me through parade ground obedience marching. I want a teeshirt with 'protect me from what I want' on it. That was pernicious stuff. Not that I was going to tell Kayla, she had proper problems.

"I'll tell you how boring my day is. I play for him in the morning. Then I'm on my own. Every day Mid morning a floor cleaning robot I called Pixel, comes out starts cleaning. Like #DEC, It doesn't say much."

"That's Adherents for you, always meditating," said Kayla.

"I discovered it could spin clockwise or anti-clockwise as a kind of yes or no. Sometimes I play floor cleaning games with it. Generally, it is as annoyed with me trying to help as the e-slaves are when I get something for master or help clean up. Then I noticed if I followed the complex cleaning patterns it does, it did then it doesn't mind"

"You know your posh collar has a self punishment mode. You can get it to make or break any habits you like, you know nail biting, hair pulling, even going into excessive monologue like a certain cyborg owner we both share. ." said Kayla with a twinkle in her eye.

"Look I've been reduced to having my third best friend as a Roomba, give me a break. I making friends with cleaning implements, I feel like I was becoming some kind of weird cyber Disney princess locked up in a high tower"

"You should try singing block-buster show tunes. Disney's Cyber Princess - I could see it happen. Needs a little work tell them I'll write the script" said Kayla. Before I could say 'I would if I could but I was wearing an invisible tee shirt which said 'I was extensively and horribly operated on my a robot cosmetic surgery engine and all I got was this lousy singing voice'.

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