"Fine"he sighed
I smiled and leaned against his chest ready to hear his voice

"Mhm mhm"he cleared his throat

I'd lie if i say I'm not excited

"Do you like Human Nature by MJ?cause that's my favorite"he asked while resting his head on my shoulder

"You kidding me?i love MJ"i chuckled

"Ok ok I'll try"he said

Reaching out across the nighttime
The city winks a sleepless eye
Hear her voice shake my window
Sweet seducing sighs
Get me out into the nighttime
Four walls won't hold me tonight
If this town is just an apple
Then let me take a bite
If they say, "Why? Why?"
Tell 'em that is human nature
"Why, why, does he do me that way?"
If they say, "Why? Why?"
Tell 'em that is human nature
"Why, why, does he do me that way?"
Reaching out to touch a stranger
Electric eyes are ev'rywhere
See that girl, she knows I'm watching
She likes the way I stare
If they say, "Why? Why?"
Tell 'em that is human nature
"Why, why, does he do me that way?"
If they say, "Why? Why?"
Tell 'em that is human nature
"Why, why, does he do me that way?"
I like livin' this way
I like lovin' this way
How whhhhyyyy why How whhhhyyyy why

(Watch the video above)
He sang the song in my ear like i should be the only one hearing it


Hearing this beautiful song and his beautiful vocie feels like heaven

"You sound like an angel!"i opened my mouth looking at him

"Oh my god"i brought my hands up to my mouth

He smiled showing off his gummy smile

Oh lord what is this boy doing to me...i don't even know

" no it wasn't that good"he lied

I gasped

"Don't you dare saying that!omg your voice is just wow..."i was speechless


"You should sing a song for me every night till i fall asleep. Ok?that's an order"i said crossing my arms

"Of course i will"he smiled
"but don't tell anyone about my singing"he added

"Why not?"i asked curiously

"Becky...you do know that im a member of a damn gang..."he mentioned

Oh right
That would be used as one of his weaknesses

"Ok"i looked at the view

Now the sun was fully up in the sky

I yawned
"C'mon we should go to bed"he suggested standing up

He went down into his room like it was the easiest thing to do

"Austin i can't just jump down there!"i said scared.

"Ugh come on I'll catch you.i promise"he rose his hands up ready to catch me

I shook my head

"Do you trust me?"he asked
"Then jump"

Come on becky woman up

I closed my eyes,bent down and jumped through the window

Austin grabbed my waist like i was a feather

My eyes were still closed

"Am i dead or not"i asked unsure
He chuckled

"Open your eyes and see by yourself"he said

I opened one of my eyes carefully

He was holding me bridal style while looking at me like i was a crazy girl

I never noticed how he turned me in the air and held me bridal style

"Oh im alive"i giggled
He rolled his eyes

"How can you be dead when you have a superman by your side?"he smirked

"Oh yeah right.i forgot that.now put me down"i said

He did as told
I quickly landed on his bed feeling comfortable with the soft sheets

He laughed shaking his head in disbelief

He took off his hoodie leaving him half naked

Chill becky chill

I turned on my left side and covered myself with the bed sheets

My eyes started to close slowly but i felt arms wrapped around my waist

"Well the sad thing is that we have to wake up in 4 hours...but the good thing is we have to pack tomorrow since we're leaving for two weeks"he whispered

"Yay im excited"i smiled looking back at him

"Goodnight becky"he kissed my cheek

"Goodnight Austin"
I smiled one more time before i drifted into a deep sleep

hope you enjoyed it :)

Don't forget to watch the video above and bless your ears

Btw Halloween is on the way:)
What do you wanna be for Halloween?
Well i wanna be a vampire

Don't forget to vote and comment


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