1: bus ride

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A/N I really hope you like the story please favorite and comment!! (:

Hello my names Ariel.(some people call me Ari for short.) I'm 15 and I moved to California over the summer. I used to live in Michigan, but my Dad found a really good job over here so we packed our bags and left. To be honest, I don't even really miss Michigan or my friends there. I've made really good friends with the girl next store to me, Rachael. Today was going to be my first day at Highschool here in Cali. (Im a sophomore btw) I forgot to mention one thing, well there's this boy..on tv, who I'm in love with. His name is Wil Wheaton. Yeah. I'm obsessed with him. My room is covered in pictures of him. I loved stand by me and Star Trek: The Next Generation.(Wil is my age too)

"Ari!! You're going to be late for school! Hurry!" My Mom yelled from the bottom of the steps.

"Okay Mom.." I yelled back while finishing my mascara. I was wearing a pastel pink crop top with a light jean skater skirt and some white sneaks. I walked down stairs.

"Rachael is waiting for you outside. Be careful walking to the bus stop!" My Mom said worried.

"We love you" My father said while holding my Moms hand.

Gosh they were all worried for me..I'm 15 not 5. "Love you too bye" I said as I grabbed my backpack and met Rachael in my drive way.

"Hey Ari, excited?" Rachael asked me as we walked. Rachael had curly blond hair and glasses.

"Sure..." I said fiddling with my hair ties around my wrist.

"Don't worry the first day isn't that bad..plus, I heard sophomores have it easy!" She said trying to cheer me up.

Rachael was very excited for her sophomore year..I could tell. I wasn't. I'll probably be that lame loser in the background who never talks. We finally arrived at our bus stop. After a few minutes later, the school bus finally came. Rachael and I grabbed a seat together.

"So, are you still obsessing over that whats his name? Hm.." She said while concentrating.

"Wil Wheaton?" I answered.

"Yeah! Him! You still love him?" She asked.

I smiled and nodded. I zipped open a pocket to my backpack and pulled out a picture of Wil I tore out of the magazine.

"That's not creepy at all...you carry that around where ever you go huh?" Rachael laughed.

"Shut up" I said playfully. I looked back down at the picture. All my fears about this new highschool went away when I saw a picture of him..The bus stopped to pick up more kids. Then Rachael hardly tapped me on the shoulder. Still looking down at the picture, "What??" I said

"Wow..that kid sure looks a lot like Wil." She said pointing at a boy.

My head shot straight up. I covered my mouth. "Rachael, that's because it is Wil." I said almost crying.
A/N I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Keep in mind Ariel has no idea Wil even went to her school! Please favorite and comment for more! Thank you!! 😊💞

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