Masked Hero (Cowboy!America)

Start from the beginning

"Oh no... Alfred we have to..." You turned around and tried to look into a pool of blue known as Alfred's eyes but they weren't there. "...Alfred?"

He was gone. And the bandits were closing in. Rusty Flatts is doomed. You thought as you slipped into the shadows of the nearby saloon.


"I want one thing! Where's the desert flower?! If you bring her to me, I will leave you alone!" The bandit yelled as he shot bullets from his pistol in the air.

You peered around the corner and your eyes widened. "Why do they want me?" You whispered to yourself.

Suddenly a hand wrapped itself around your mouth and pinned your arms behind your back. You let out a muffled scream and thrashed around. The man was stronger than you by a landslide and easily kept you restrained. Thus you did the only rational thing you could think of. You bit down on his hand. He successfully let go. But there was no time to celebrate because immediately after you whipped around and kicked him in the nuts, causing him to fall backward into a barrel of dirty water.

He narrowed his eyes and grunted in frustration. You hummed in triumph just as two other men snuck up behind you and tied a bandana around your head, gagging you. The other man tied your hands behind your back leaving you defenseless. You let out another silenced yell for help as you were pushed out in the main square.

You were furious. How had they apprehended me so fast?! I could've swore I kept my guard up. Now I'm the fucking damsel in distress. Shit! Only this time, I think I'm not going to be saved.

Oh how you were wrong.

"We got her boss! Look at her (h/l) (h/c) hair and her plump lips." The man that shoved you forward cackled. You blushed angrily and squirmed, desperate to get away.

Their boss laughed. His deep brown eyes bore into your soul. He cupped your face and gave you a smirk that made your blood run cold. We're gonna have fun tonight~"

Right as you were about to kick him a voice rang out. "Not on my watch! Unhand the beautiful maiden!" You looked up and saw a man in a red mask riding a horse. He had a deep voice and bright blue eyes.

The main bandit who was obviously in charge sent his minions after him but the masked hero knocked them all out cold. He tipped his cowboy hat and grinned as he pointed his silver revolver at the leader's head. "I. Said. Unhand. Her." He growled in nothing but pure wrath.

You knew him from somewhere but the voice was too deep for you to tell. He seems to be putting on a false voice...

The leader laughed. "Ha! Or what?"

The man in the red mask's grin grew wider. "Or I shoot. Plain as day. Either you let her go, or I shoot you."

"You wouldn't dare shoot me." He was taken back.

Alfred pointed the gun strait at him and with a serious look gracing his face he uttered one word that made his opponent fall to his knees.


He shot him in the arm, not killing him. He did believe in the way of the law after all. Not long after, the townspeople ran out of their homes and the black bandits were all put in the stockades. They wanted nothing more than to than the stranger but he held up his hand. "I have a certain someone to talk to."

He walked over to you and took the gag out of your mouth and untied you. You blushed and nodded. "Thank you."

"A hero needs no thanks. It was simply my will."

You grinned and pressed your lips to his. He blushed and passionately kissed back. Your lips moved in sync. Everything was perfect. The people all 'awww'd', their little lone desert flower had found love.

When you broke apart you winked and leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Thank you for being my hero Alfred. I love you." Then louder you announced. "A kiss of gratitude for my hero!"

They all cheered and Alfred was shocked. "How did you know?" He whispered back.

You laughed. "Next time disguise Freedom."

"Freedom can never be disguised!" He called out.

You rolled your eyes as he pulled you in for another surprise kiss.


I LOVE THIS ONE! It's so awesome and I love the Wild West! And Alfred so that can be better?!



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