"You'll see." She said and grabbed my hand and led me into the bathroom. She checked all the stalls and then locked the bathroom door. Wow, you'd think the school wouldn't put a lock on the inside of the bathroom. Idiots.

"Okay go in the big stall." She told me. I did and she went in there with me right after turning on the fassit. I didn't ask why.

"Umm, don't you think we should use separate stalls." I suggest.

"Not for what I'm about to teach you."

I was confused. But just decided to go along with it. She went to the toliet, bent down and stuck her finger down her throat and started gagging and then threw up. I stood there in complete shock. Why on earth would she do that?

"Okay, did you see what I did? Now you try." She flushed the toliet and backed away from it and pushed me lightly infront of it.

I stood there baffled. I couldn't move. This doesn't seem right. I don't think I should go through with it.

"Trust me." I turned to her speaking. "You'll feel so much better." She smiled.

"O-Okay." I said nervously. I took a deep breath and took my finger and started to put it in my mouth.

"Have your finger hit the back of your throat." She told me. I did and I gagged. I keep trying and kept gagging and I could feel a gooey substance collect on the roof of my mouth. I turned to her.

"I can't do it."

"Yes you can, she put her hand on my shoulder. I have faith in you. Just keep your finger in the back of your throat, no matter how badly you want to take it out."

I turn back to the toliet and bend over and kneel down. I did what she told me to do and it took about a minute or so but then I finally threw up. And I didn't stop. But when I was done and my stomach was completely empty, I wiped my mouth with tissue and turned to Emily. She had a huge grin on her face.

"You did good Autumn." She told me. She went into her purse and pulled out mint gum. She gave me a piece and I chewed it. She also chewed a piece for herself. She told me when you force yourelf to throw up it is called purging.

I flushed the toliet and we left the bathroom. Thank god no one tried to come into the bathroom and noticed the door was locked. We would be in serious shit.

We parted ways and I went to my next hour. As I was walking to class and during the whole class period I didn't want to think about what I had just done. But I couldn't help thinking about what a relief it was when I purged, as Emily said it was called.

I knew it wasn't healthy, but it did feel good. I mean, at least I'm not doing drugs or drinking. I would think this is a better alternative. I would think...

I finished the rest of the day of school and decided to go over to Emily's house. I had to call my mom or dad though and ask. I dialled my dad's number.

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

"Hello?" The accent spoke through the phone.

"Hi dad."

"Hey sweetheart."

"Can I go to my friends house afterschool for a little bit today?"

"Sure. Just be home before dark. Okay?"

"Okay. Bye dad. Love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up. I turn to Emily. "My dad said yes."

"Great!" She said. I smile. We got into Emily's car and we drove to her house and went inside.

"Wow, I love your house." I stated.

"Thanks." She said.

We went to her room and chilled for a bit. We talked and got to know each other more.

"Oh and you never did tell me your last name." I remembered. "What is it?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah sorry haha." She chuckled and then bit her lip.

"Edwards." She paused. "Emily Edwards."



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The comment I like the most, I will dedicate the next chapter too! And the next chapter is gonna be a good one!

Thanks babes x

Let Me Go [Sequel to Lost, Hopeless, and Destroyed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin