He shrugged. "It's cool. What you doing here?" he asked, sitting in the seat across from me.

"Just killing time, before I run some errands for Chris and meet him at his rehearsal." I sighed.

Trey frowned. "You good? You sound down."

I rolled my eyes, staring out the window. "It's just that I really hate people. People are so mean and rude and ignorant." I pouted, folding my arms. Reading those comments on that blog had really fucked up my mood.

"Something happen to make you feel that way?"

"It's nothing. What are you doing in Starbucks anyways?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I don't look like the Starbucks type?" he chuckled sipping his frappé.

I shook my head. "No. Most of the people that come here are young women, or teen girls. Either in high school or college, or recent grads. Your not either." I laughed.

Trey poked his lips out at me. "Whatever you say, but you never gave me an answer about hanging out."

I knew he was gonna bring that up.

"I'm gonna have to say no. I'm a really busy person, and I just don't have the time." I responded.

Trey nodded. "Ok. Well I'm planning a pool party at my place at the end of the month, a couple of days after the BET Awards. I already told Chris about it. He's down to go. You should come too." he suggested.

I silently debated, starring at my french manicure. Well if Chris is going, I don't see why not. "I haven't been to a pool party in awhile, so I'll be there." I said.

"OMG that's Trey Songz!!" two over-caffeinated teenage girls squealed, running to our table.

I fished my shades out of my Chanel bag quickly putting them on, before anyone could say, "OMG that's Chris Brown's personal assistant!"

"Hey ladies. How yall doing?" Trey said cooly, smiling.

The girls looked like they was about to cry.

"I'm such a huge fan. I have all your albums, know all your songs, I've watched all your videos. I just love you so much." the heavyset girl screeched.

"We're gonna get married one day Trey. You just don't know it yet." added the short petite girl.

Good lord.

"I love all my fans. Yall the reason I do what I do." Trey said, never breaking eye contact with the two girls.

"Can we get a picture?" they both asked at the same time.

After taking a million selfies, and hugging the life out of Trey, the two girls left Starbucks as if new life had been bestowed upon them.

I shook my head laughing.

"What's so funny?" Trey asked.

I shrugged. "I don't see how yall do it. Being famous is very demanding. I couldn't deal."

"True, it is, but this is my dream. I'm living it everyday. It comes at a price, but at the end of the day, it's worth it."

"I guess."


Chris: "Nia, what the fuck are you talking about? My house is completely safe, I'm more than capable of keeping Royalty safe in my house. Stop reading the blogs. It's a bunch of bullshit!" I yelled through gritted teeth. Once again, Nia was on my ass, trying to make it seem like I was an irresponsible parent. She stayed reading the messy gossip blogs filled with rumors.

The Assistant || Chris BrownOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz