22: Decisions

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"So, Bakura," Yami said to him as they loaded the boat with cargo and supplies, preparing for another trip. "What's the deal with Marik?"

"What deal?"

Yami stacked another box onto the boat. "Well, is he staying? And how are we supposed to feed him and all that crap?"

Bakura grumbled. "Your making it sound like I brought in a stray kitten."

"A stray merman, actually. Aren't you a little........."

"What?" Bakura set his box down and turned his head to Yami, hoping he isn't implying anything he wouldn't like to hear. "Aren't I a little what?"

"Weirded out?" Yami said, stepping backwards a little bit. "Marik isn't even human! Then you fought this octopus thing after making out with it and then you bring in a human/fish person who's living in the bathtub on the second floor. Don't you think it's just a little odd?"

"Well," he ignored Yami's annoyed expression. "He wanted to stay."

"Why are you letting him? You gain nothing from it! And I know, Bakura, you never do anything unless you get something out of it. Except killing people. Which you tend to do a lot."

Bakura couldn't help the small grin on his face. "I do get something out of it, actually."

"Oh?" Yami raised a brow, stifling his grin. "And what's that?"

Bakura looked at him with a devious smirk. "Pleasure." And with that, he left the docks and went back to the mansion. He didn't use the word love because he thought it'd make him sound weak. And he was not weak.

Yugi poked his head out of one of the boxes they were stacking. "So this proves it?"

"Yep." Yami said. "There was some thiefshipping fanservice."

Bakura took a slight detour and walked along the edge of the sand.
"Am I making a mistake?" Marik's voice echoed in his mind. His kiss was glorious. His face was gorgeous. His attitude....tolerable.

"Bakura, I need to talk to you." He heard a voice from the water.

"What do you want, mermaid?"

"My name's Ishizu, Bakura. I could call you Fluffy just like Marik does."

"Oh, Ra." He cringed. "Don't. What do you want, Ishizu?"

She swam closer to the shore, hoping Marik wasn't somehow around to hear her. "Where's Marik?"

"Not telling."

"I'm serious." She sighed. "Bakura, I know you like him. I don't care if you like him or like him like him, but...he's a fish out of water, Bakura. He doesn't belong on the surface. You know that."

"Marik wanted to be here." He muttered.

"I know. But he doesn't understand how dangerous it is for him. He can't do much on his own, Bakura. I know for a fact the decision he made was stupid. He can't be up here."

Bakura was fuming. "I'll have you know that Marik is perfectly fine."

"Living in a bathtub isn't very comfortable. I know Marik's not saying a thing because he wants to say so badly."

"How." Bakura knelt down in the sand. "Did Yami tell you?"

Ishizu nodded. "Bakura, I'm not forcing you or pressuring you into anything. I just wanted to tell you that my brother's safety is my number one priority. The decisions in his past got his father killed. Please, Bakura."
She started to swim away. "Think about what's best for Marik."

Bakura watched Ishizu swim off. He felt so angry, and he felt like he should be angry with her. But he honestly couldn't. He was angry at himself, for being so selfish and not thinking about Marik.
But the kiss. Oh Ra, that kiss...........

Bakura felt himself getting woozy and lay against a rock in the sand. He took Kinfey out of his pocket and held it up in front of his face, looking at his reflection. Since when did I become such a softy?
"What do I do Knifey? You're always here for me."

There was silence.

"Tell me all of your secrets, Knifey........"

"Bakura? What are you doing?" Down the dunes rushed little Ryou. "Why are you interrogating the knife?"

"Ryou, sit here." He patted the spot next to him.

Ryou whimpered, causing Bakura to sigh in defeat and close the knife, and put it away in his pocket.
Then Ryou felt comfortable enough to sit by him. "Are you okay?"

He shut his eyes and leaned against the rock. "Let's say you knew this person. You really like this person, and they liked you. Then they made a decision that put themselves in danger, and-"

"This is about Marik," Ryou crossed his arms and wiggled his eyebrows. "Isn't it?"

"What do I do, Ryou?" He tried keeping his cold expression on his face.

"If I were you, I'd find another way out." He got up. "You'll think of something."

"I hope so."

So I have an odd feeling I'm starting to bore you guys. I'm just really addicted to this story and probably should've ended with the average happily ever after, but I'm just not that kind of person. Anyway, I feel like I'm losing you guys for some reason, is it because the "little mermaid" part has pretty much ended? Yeah, sorry bout that, I just had a fantabulous idea and I just had to add it. It's almost done! Just hang in there!
I'm also struggling to keep the funny, but I wanna experiment with the feels. Let's see how it goes!

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