17: The New Exchange

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Melvin had also returned to being half octopus, and crawled all the way to Marik and picked him up, and threw him over his shoulder. "Gotta run, Kitty. I've got some hugging to do." He said to Bakura, winking.

"Let me go!" Marik pounded his fists on Melvin's back, trying to put up a fight.
Ishizu watched in horror as her brother was being taken away to be tortured for all of eternity. And all for Bakura.

"Marik!" She tried swimming toward him, but Odion held her back.

"Let's follow them." He said. "Then we'll see where he takes him."

Marik was dragged into the ocean along with Melvin, and Bakura ran to the edge and watched him get deeper and deeper. He met his lavender eyes through the water, just like when he first "saw" him.

He cursed and used Knifey to cut the ropes on the emergency boat.

"Bakura, what are you doing?!" Joey called for him.

"Good question," Bakura muttered. He dropped the boat into the water and hopped inside, then grabbed an oar and started rowing.


Marik struggled and wiggled and tried breaking free from Melvin's grasp, but it was no use. Melvin was too strong. "Stop struggling, Marik." He smiled. "It's not like you could escape if you wanted to."

They reached the lair again and Melvin had Slendy hold Marik down. Melvin grinned. "We had a deal, remember?"

"You friggin cheated!" He screeched. "I totally would've stayed human if you hadn't pushed our heads together. What was with coming to the surface, anyway?"

"Eh, I was going to make you jealous, kill Bakura, and then you'd beg me to make you a merman again. Nothing too complicating."

"That's uncalled for, Melvin!"

He chuckled. "I know, right?"

Ishizu and Odion followed Hank Ishtar (Marik's dad) into the lair. "Billy! Why are being-a held dAown?"

"Father, I'm sorry! I-"

Slendy covered his mouth. "Shut up, guys."

"Marik!" She tried swimming to Marik but Melvin swam in her way.

"Sorry, but he's mine now." He held up the contract for all to see. "He signed in cursive and everything."

Hank tried using the millennium rod to destroy it, but because it was legit, it couldn't be.

One sec, readers. Imma put the story on pause for a moment. Oh, quit your groaning, it'll only take a minute.
So you're probably wondering why I am just NOW adding the millennium items.
1) it's just the rod I need {to be like King triton's triton}
2) what I make it do may or may not be even remotely close to what it actually does
Anyway, on with the story!

"Sorry, Mr. Ishtar, but Marik signed it on his own will. Therefore, it's legit. Like, it's legal and stuff and there's nothing you can do about it!"

"Is there anyway we can get him out of this?" Odion asked.

"WELLllllllll.................I suppose we could make a bargain."

The rest of the Ishtars looked at each other, unsure of what to do. They debated whether or not they should free Marik or not. Yeah, he was family, but he just made a STUPID decision.

"What do you want?" Ishizu finally asked.

Melvin cackled, and pointed at the rod. "That."

Hank Ishtar looked at the rod, and back to the smirking Melvin. He glances at Marik trying to break free, and he scowled. "Billy, when you get out of this you're going to be hoo-WHIPPED in de face!"

He signed the new contract, permitting Marik's release. "Alright Slendy, you can let him go." Melvin waved him off.

"Okay guys." He released the grip on Marik, and the moment he left he swam to Ishizu and Odion, and hugged them tightly, tears filling his eyes.
Ishizu held her brother tight, not daring to risk him getting taken again.

"A deal is a deal..." Melvin held out his hand.

Hank hesitated, and slowly handed him the rod. Melvin snatched it out of his hands and looked at it in amazement. And with that, Hank was struck with it and killed.
"I hope you're okay with the agreement!" Melvin cackled.

Melvin laughed maniacally as he repeatedly stabbed him, and Marik stood in front of it, witnessing the murder that wouldn't stop. The water was foggy with red and Marik was held back by Ishizu and Odion.

"Let's get out of here!" Odion says, and they nod.

"Aw," Melvin pouted. "Gone so soon? The fun is only beginning!"
He pointed the rod at them, but was stopped when a sharp knife grazed his shoulder.
He angrily and curiously looked up to see Bakura swimming back to the surface for air.

"Slenderman!" He yelled and pointed to him. "Get the kitty before he gets away!"

Bakura finally got to the surface (while wondering how he missed Melvin's back) and took in a huge breath. He was going to try to go back down and find Marik.
But before he could try, tentacles wrapped around his arms and legs and pulled him down again.

Drowning was not like it is depicted in movies, or TV. Your lungs burn from the saltwater filling them and you can't scream.

Slendy brought him deeper and deeper into the water and Marik was surprised Bakura decided to come down to try and help. Marik and Odion went to help him out, but Melvin had Ishizu cornered and ready to be the next victim of one of his famous "hugs".

"Odion! Help her! I've got Bakura!" Marik yelled.

"Yes, Master Marik."

"Hey, Slenderman!" It was time for a distraction.

"Yeah, guys?"

Marik pointed into the distance. "There's a lonely innocent child out there who's waiting to be murdered."

"Okay. Bye guys!" Slendy released Bakura and swam away.

Marik pulled Bakura up to the surface, cringing as he was forced to cough up and vomit all the water from his system.
"You must be pretty friggin stupid to try and come after me!" Marik moved from the sick and helped Bakura onto the boat.

Bakura spat water and met Marik's eyes with a cold gaze. "But I saved you, didn't I?"

"Well, yeah, but still." He handed him his knife back. "I think you'll need this,"

Bakura took it and put it in his pocket. He looked around. "You should help your family right now, Marik." He finally found his boat again and got onto it, breathing heavily and resting.

Marik nodded and dove back under, but not before saying, "Don't go drowning again. You're actually pretty heavy."

Bakura smiled, and muttered, "Bloody bastard."

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