3: Marik sings (again)

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"Why are we sinking?!" Joey screeched in that Brooklyn accent of his. The crew (involving Téa, Yami, Yugi, Joey, Ryou, Tristan, and Seto. However, Seto don't give a crap, so he's just in the corner doing nothing except screwing the rules and having money.) hadn't realized the storm that had been forming all along, so they didn't know that it had been raining. They all assumed it was an ocean mist.

But now, the water from the rain, and the unsettled waves, entered the boat and they were ankle deep in water. The ocean seemed to try to flip the boat over. The waves crashed, and eventually lightning hit the sail, causing it to catch fire.

"We're sooooooo f***ed." Yami cursed.

Yugi knew that there were canoes on the side of the boat for emergencies. He and Joey quickly ran to the edge to cut them loose, and everyone started to help. Bakura, however, dropped his knife and it slid across the ship. Everyone had already gotten the boat free and jumped inside, but Bakura ran to retrieve his special knife.
He finally looked back over the edge, but the boat the others were in were too far, and the waves were too wild to swim in after it. Bakura cursed under his breath.

The fire crackled behind him, and he ran to the opposite direction. He tried breaking a chunk of wood, so he'd have something to hang onto that could float. Pulling it with all his might, Bakura finally managed to break a piece off. However, it wasn't big enough for him to hang onto.

The fire had gotten too big. He had to at least try to swim to the crew's boat. With his knife in his pocket, he jumped into the raging sea.


"A storm?" Ishizu wondered aloud. "Already?"

The water did have a little more force to it than it usually did. Marik never really thought much about storms. All he ever really worried about was tsunamis, hurricanes, and underwater volcanoes.

He swam to the surface again, but everything was a mess.

The ship was on fire, and the crew was paddling away. "Where's Bakura?!" Marik said out loud.

Just then, he saw the kitty jump into the water and try to swim toward the boat. Unfortunately, the waves were too strong, and they pulled him under.

Marik watched in horror as Bakura tried to swim back to the top, gasping for air, but with no such luck. Eventually he couldn't hold his breath any longer. His eyes shut and he went limp, and began sinking deeper into the ocean.

The merman only felt himself get closer and closer to the human, and eventually wrapped his arms around him. Marik didn't know if Bakura was still conscious, or even alive, but he didn't think it mattered.

He began to pull him toward the surface to at least get him some air again. When they did reach the top, Bakura didn't budge.

Marik decided to swim to the closest shore he knew. It was Bakura's only chance.
"Ishizu's gonna be PISSED."


"So........heavy......." Marik panted.

He finally pushed Bakura onto the shore, and made sure he was flat on his back.
"Okay," Marik took a deep breath. "Let's see if he's still alive..."

Mr. Tweetums rested on the sand beside the two, and Marik held up Bakura's foot to his ear and listened for a heartbeat.
He looked again at Bakura. His fluffy white hair was soaked, and his pale face seemed to remain untouched by the sun. His shirt was all crinkled and wet and....rising and falling. "He's breathing!" Marik couldn't help but smile.

Marik found himself even closer to Bakura now. He held up his head with one of his hands, and the other ran its fingers through his hair. (It's not creepy at all.)
"Maybe I should start singing again! Then he'll wake up!"

He cleared his throat.
(I underlined Bakura's thoughts so it wouldn't be confused with the lyrics. It won't always be like this.)
"What would give to live where you are, what would I pay to stay here beside you? What would I do to see you, smiling at me?"

That voice...Bakura thought. So....it's so......

"Where would we walk? Where would we run? Where would we stay all day in the sun?"


"Just you and me..."

Who's trying to make my ears bleed?

"And I could be, part of your world....."

Bakura's eyes opened slightly, and his vision was mostly blinding sunlight. But, in the midst of it, was a tan, blonde person with gorgeous lavender eyes.

Hey there, sexy thing.

Marik was unsure if he should go. Bakura was almost awake, and Marik would probably never see him again. Besides, they were here. Together. Marik was practically hugging him already, and wanted nothing more than to see Bakura's eyes up close.

Maybe just a peck on the cheek. Or lips. Or both. Since you know, we're from different worlds. It's not like I'll ever see him again. And it's not gay if I add a "no homo", right?

"Bakura! Thank Ra you're alright! We all thought you were dead!"

Marik could see the shadows of other humans approaching. ABORT. ABORT.
And with that, he leapt back into the ocean before Yugi and co. showed up (AND RUINED THE YAOI FANSERVICE).

Bakura shut his eyes once more, and opened them. Those eyes.....?
Out of nowhere, he began coughing up water. The salt of it burned his throat, and the others got him to his feet and took him away.

Marik, however, had been laying on a rock that was quite a distance away from them.
"I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know something started right now!" The wind tossed his hair, and he leaned closer. "Watch and you'll see, someday I'll be, part of your world!" He pushed himself up with his arms, and the wave behind him crashed against the rock and soaked him, knocking him against the hard surface.

Ishizu and Odion were shocked.
What has Marik gotten himself into?

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