21: Catching a Break

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Bakura carried Marik all the way to the beach, and set him down in the water once they reached the docks. He swam around a bit, properly hydrating himself.
"Marik!" Ishizu swam to him, and hugged him tightly. "I thought you were dead!

"Relax, Ishizu, I'm fine." He pushed her away a bit. "Where's Odion?"

"He has the rod. He's trying to find a good place to hide it."

Ishizu finally glanced in Bakura's direction and hissed at him a bit, to which he responded with a low growl. "Bakura."


"Hey hey hey! No! You will not fight! I won't allow it! I command you to get along!" Marik said, swimming between them.

"Marik, what do you see in him?" Ishizu questioned, crossing her arms.

He sighed. "Ishizu, don't start with this again-"

"He's the reason you got in that mess! Or have you forgotten the past three days of being human and without communication and almost DIED less than 24 hours ago?"

"Ishizu, please-"

"I'm just saying that you could do better." She held out her hand. "Come on Marik, let's go home."

He looked at her hand and at her in shock and disbelief, and a hint of disgust. "What?"

"I said we're going home!"

He swam away from her, headed more toward the shore. "No."

"No?!" She felt hurt. "Marik, may I remind you that you and Bakura are not of the same SPECIES!?"

"I don't care." He pulled a Mokuba move and clung to Bakura's leg. "I'm staying."

"Marik, you won't survive up here!"

"People up here figured it out. Besides, everyone here is nicer and more supportive to me than you and Odion ever have been!"

"Is Bakura okay with it? I mean, this looks like you've decided this now."

Marik looked up at Bakura. "Please? Can I?"

He shrugged. "I see no reason you can't."

Ishizu rubbed her forehead. "Marik...stop being stubborn!"

"No!" He leapt on Bakura's lap, soaking his shirt and pants. "Sorry..." He mumbled. "Ishizu, I'm staying."

"...can't believe this......!" She muttered.

"Bakura, let's go," Marik said, kissing him on the cheek, making Ishizu want to tear someone's eyes out.

"Where are we going?"

"The mansion." He rested his head in the crook of his neck. "There's something we need to finish."
Bakura sat for a minute, wondering what Marik was talking about, until Marik finally pecked him on the lips. He didn't think he'd be the one to kiss Bakura first, but if not now, then not ever.
Marik could've sworn that out of the corner of his eyes, Ishizu was making the ocean water boil in red hot anger.
Bakura was shocked (and slightly aroused) at Marik's sudden confidence. He didn't get it at first, but a little nudge (or, kiss, in this situation) got him to take the hint.
Haha I'm just kidding. You're not a whore.
*or are you?*
Yeah, sorry bout that, I just HAAAAATTTTTEEEEE smut.

"Oh...alrighty then, if you're so sure........." Bakura carried Marik back to the mansion, and stifled the curses and grunts when Ishizu threw a rock at him.


Marik was put in the bathtub again, since there was nowhere else for him to go. Bakura knelt beside him again, keeping him company.
"How do you plan to pull this off...?" Bakura finally said. "I honestly don't care all that much, but I'm curious to see how you intend to make living on the surface work."

"I didn't really think that far, to be honest." Marik shrugged, slouching and pulling his fin to his chest. "I just like this place so much. I don't know."
He looked up at Bakura. "I keep telling myself that it's no big deal, but Ishizu keeps telling me I'm making a mistake. Do you think I'm making a mistake?"

Bakura sighed. "I don't know, Marik. That's really not my call."
Marik pulled himself onto Bakura's lap. "Marik, what-"

"I told you we needed to finish something." He said, lifting up his chin. He brushed a few of the bangs out of his face, revealing more of the pale skin on his forehead. His eyes. They were closer than he ever thought they'd be. Those dark eyes of his, Marik could stare into forever.
He didn't understand why he was so nervous. He kissed him before. Was it because its intentional now?

Bakura could see Marik's hesitation, and kisses him first. This caught Marik off guard, but eventually he melted into the kiss.
His lips were soft and tasted like mint. The way Bakura pressed his lips against his own made him fall deeper and deeper in love with him.

Wait...in love?

Eventually Marik gets Bakura to lie flat on his back on the edge of the tub. Bakura slipped a little tongue into the kiss, and their tongues DUELED FOR DOMINANCE. THE LOSER'S TONGUE WOULD BE SENT TO THE SHADOW REALM.

And that, readers, is how you ruin the mood.
Carry on.

Before the winner could be determined, they lost balance and fell into the water filled tub with a splash and a thunk!

After almost drowning in not even a three foot deep tub, Bakura says, "Well, that was fun."

Marik's face was all flushed, and he lay down next to Fluffy and his soaked clothes.

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