10: Bonding

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So a class I take talked about the little mermaid today. I was just sitting there, awkwardly, since no one there watched anime. Even if they had, it would've been weird to say something like "I wrote a yaoi fanfic based on a Disney classic"

Bakura never really felt so comfortable around anyone. He could talk about killing things, and Marik wouldn't even cringe. He could rant about how much he hates Yami, and Marik would nod in agreement. The best part, and Bakura accepted it: Marik was sexy. Bakura could and would eat pancakes off of his abs.
He really hated the stupid seashell that came out of nowhere and ruined his moment to kiss him. Seriously, that seashell came from NOWHERE.

But now, here they were; walking alongside each other on the way back to the mansion. It was warm, and all you could hear were the waves crashing against the shore. And yes, you could hear seagulls fighting in the Hunger Games over a french fry, but other than that it was really quiet.

"Everyone should be sleeping about now." Bakura told Marik.

Marik raised a brow, wondering what he meant.

"I could give you a quick tour of the mansion, if you'd like. It's easier to browse when people aren't around to disrupt." He muttered with a blush.

Marik eagerly nodded.
He held out his hand, and Bakura took it. Together, they ran off toward the mansion.


"...and finally, the living room." Bakura plopped onto the couch. "This is where we relax and watch whatever's on the Telly." Before Marik could figure out a way to ask what that meant, Bakura said, "It's how people with accents like mine say 'television' or 'TV' or whatever you blokes call it."

Marik found a DVD that had been laying out, and held it up for Bakura to see. Bakura raised a brow and grew a smug grin. "Do you wanna watch that?"

Marik nodded.

Bakura choked down his snickers. "Okay then. Put it in the DVR, I'll make popcorn."

Marik was lucky that Bakura pointed to the DVR, now all he had to do was figure out how to work it.

(One hour of pushing random buttons and one bloody movie of Cannibal Holocaust later)

After being utterly amazed and feeling the urge to worship the shiny metal box, Marik had curled up next to Bakura, and fell asleep. It was only day one as a human so far, and he was enjoying it. Even if the movies humans watch do contain a lot of blood.
Bakura twirled Marik's blonde hair in his fingers. Obviously this new guy hasn't always been mute. He would know how to sign if he was. Maybe he's sick? Maybe he has a vocal disorder? Maybe he was lost and screaming for help for a long period of time? And why is he so starry eyed when it comes to random stuff? It took him forever to figure out how to work the TV...
Bakura tried to think of an explanation. He was indeed curious to figure out what this new guy sounds like. He didn't even know his name.

After the movie was over, Bakura scooped Marik into his arms, and carried him to the guest room. Marik buried his face into the crook of Bakura's neck, causing him to smile.

Bakura lifted the covers and tucked Marik into bed. Bakura tried getting up to leave, but Marik held tight onto his arm. His eyes, sparkling in the moonlight, begged a Bakura to stay. So he stayed.

Marik pulled onto Bakura's shoulders and let him sleep next to him.


"Good morning starshine, the Earth says hello!" (I love Charlie and the chocolate factory!!!!!) Yugi yelled as he thrust open the curtains and let some sunlight into the room. Marik pulled the covers to shield his face, and Yugi frowned. "Don't be like that!" He whined, and tried pulling on the sheets, but to no avail.

"Yami!" He called.

"Yugi, I don't exist to tend to your every need." He complained on entering the room.

"....look who's talking...." He muttered.


"I said the newbie's still in bed and we need to get him up."

"Oh." Yami looked at the drawn curtains and back to the sheets. "Have you tried screaming at him?"

"My voice is not a booming one like yours, Yami." Yugi sighed.

"Let me try then." He cupped his hands around his mouth. "RISE AND SHINE, B*TCH!!!!"

Marik tensed, but remained in the darkness and warmth of under the covers.

"Huh. Plan B." He motioned for Yugi to come closer, and together (with the power of friendship) they yanked the covers off of Marik.

And Bakura.

"Bakura?!" Yugi said, shocked, and Yami covered his eyes for him.

"Don't look Yugi. It'll destroy your innocence." What's funny was that Bakura and Marik were fully clothed and on opposite sides of the bed, but maybe Yami held Yugi close for another reason.....(Puzzleshippers may squeal here).

"It's not-we weren't...." Bakura stuttered, and this was probably the only time Marik was glad he couldn't speak.

"Uh huh....." Yami snickered. "Well, Yugi worked hard to try to wake you two up, but if you really need to be alone, so be it. Come on, Yugi."

He dragged Yugi out of the room and shut the door behind him.

Bakura hopped out of bed, and Marik sat up straight and stretched, yawned, and rubbed his sleepy eyes. "Good morning, gorgeous." Bakura said, without thinking much about it.

Marik's eyes widened, and Bakura shrugged. "Well, I don't know your name. So you'll be 'gorgeous' until I can figure it out."

This caused Marik to blush.

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