Chapter 34: Heroes

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"What do you mean there's nothing you can do?" Boog cried out, his muscles tense and his fists clenched. He was looking up at the floating man of shadow with a great frown and a stubborn tear rolling down his cheek.

The cloaked man sighed. "It is beyond my power to bring Graham DeLuca back into the world of the living, Charles. There is nothing I can do."

"It's your fault he's dead! You should have never brought him here!"

"He chose to stay. Had he wished to return home I would have let him."

"You're full of shit! You think you can just bring us here and have us do all the work for you and get killed in process while you sit back and do nothing!"

The man's mouth was straight yet a muscle in his jaw twitched. "Nothing? Charles, I slow the spread of the darkness as much as I possibly can while you and the others cleanse the anchors. What I do is far beyond your capabilities and was I to do nothing you would have all failed already. The spread of death across the universes is quickening as the dark force senses the threat you all pose to it. Your progress is faster than any other group's has ever been, despite the dangers and challenges you have all faced, and it knows this. Graham's death is incredibly unfortunate and I will take all the blame and guilt for it but had he not aided you all you would not be here. You would have all perished before ever cleansing a single anchor."

"He's right," said a soft voice.

Boog glanced to his right to see Celestia there, wiping tears from her eyes. The others had all gathered as well, the Moharans behind them covering Graham's body with a blanket and taking him away.

"Graham did a lot for us, Boog," Celestia continued with a sniff. "At the first anchor he kept those shadow beasts away from us for as long as he could. He stopped Aragol and I from being affected by the spores. He..." She paused, her eyes darting from side to side as if remembering something. Whatever it was, it brought more tears and she shut her eyes. "He did his part, Boog. I want him with us but he didn't leave us for nothing. We all understand the dangers we face..." She then turned and left the area, her head bowed and her shoulders slumped. Victoria went with her, taking her hand and speaking to her in a calm voice.

"Is it over?" Aragol asked the cloaked man. "Have we cleansed all the anchors?"

The man shook his head slowly. "Unfortunately, High General, you have not. Six yet remain."

"Six?" Boog asked incredulously. "We barely survived three! You want us to risk cleansing twice that number?"

"If you wish to abandon your cause and return to your respective homes I will grant you that and I will understand. Perhaps with three cleansed anchors the dark force's spread will slow long enough for your lives to remain unaffected."

The five companions exchanged uncertain glances. Boog thought back to his old life, to the world of Jarheads, people gifted with great powers, and his role as a trainer. He served a purpose there and a good one as well. Here, however, he did more than train saviors. He was one. How could he abandon that? How could he live with himself knowing that he gave up on his life's greatest task? As painful as it was to realize that Graham was gone forever, death was not foreign to him. He knew of the risks and he also knew the greater risk of not doing what he was chosen to do. There was no benefit in going back home.

Boog stepped forward.

Aragol followed immediately after. Elmar and Casandra stepped forward together. Ivory came next and glanced back at Victoria and Celestia. They nodded back to her.

"They'll stay," she said to the man of shadow.

"Karmen will remain with us as well," Casandra added. "I am certain of it."

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