Chapter 10: Tooth, Claw, and Night

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"I knew this would happen," Boog said through clenched teeth. His fists were up and he was glancing from one werewolf to the other, aware that there was one behind him as well. "I knew that kid couldn't be trusted. I should have gone with my gut all along."

Aragol ordered the non-combatants to get in the middle of the narrow path as he, Ivory, Boog and Elmar stood in a circle around them, facing off against each werewolf. For the moment the shapeshifters stood and watched, their mouths slightly open and their claws twitching.

There was a howl in the distance.

"They're bringing more," Aragol called out. "We have to stop them now."

"Fine by me!" Boog snarled as he took off running toward the werewolf he watched. It growled at him and swatted with a clawed hand. Boog rolled underneath it, got up to one knee and swung an uppercut at the beast's gut. It slammed into it with immense force and sent it stumbling back. He stood up and swung another fist. The brass knuckles crashed into the werewolf's face and made it to stumble back once more. Boog kept up the attack, pummelling his fists into its face and body, not giving it a chance to strike back. He had it backed against a tree and pulled back his right arm for a punch he hoped would shatter its skull. The werewolf recovered quicker than he anticipated and grabbed him with its claws, digging them into his chest and back. He cried out in pain but swung anyway, his fist striking so strongly he could feel bones cracking. The werewolf backed off to the side, dazed and injured.

Boog had hoped that punch would have killed it. He could feel warm blood flowing down his chest and back but he did not relent. He marched toward his enemy and swung a fist down on its skull with as much force as he could muster. It grunted and dropped lower to the ground. Boog caught his breath and pulled his arm back again. This enemy was tough and it would take many hits to bring it down.

Before he had a chance to strike it again another werewolf leapt out of the mist and tackled him to the ground, claws digging into his skin and jaws reaching for his neck.

Aragol was faring better, having cleaved off the arms of his opponent and advancing on it as it backed away, its ears flattened out of fear and pain. It growled at him and then turned tail and ran off into the mist. He didn't pursue it. His priority was to safeguard the others that couldn't fight.

Elmar thought he might have trembled with fear and been unable to act upon being attacked by the increasing number of werewolves but was pleased to know that that was not the case. He had already tapped his staff on three werewolves and had increased their weight to such unbearable levels that they were stuck to the ground. He had also lightened the weight of the werewolf on top of Boog, allowing the muscled man to push it off of him and beat it to a pulp. He danced over the three he had pinned down, humming a tune, as he waited for another one to attack him while those below him growled and struggled uselessly.

Ivory, however, was faring the best. Her silver axe frightened her enemies and few engaged her. Those that foolishly did were cut down and killed quickly. She had already slain two and injured three more. Their numbers were great but so long as she had her axe at the ready they would not harm anyone she protected. She noticed Elmar's incapacitated werewolves and with a nod from him rushed up to them and decapitated them as he looked away. She relished the sight of a severed head and found herself smiling wickedly.

The attack lasted only a few minutes and in that time a dozen werewolves lay dead with an equal number running away due to injuries or fear. The fighters caught their breath and regained their strength but remained wary, their eyes on the swirling mists of the deep forest.

Boog wiped the blood and chunks of brain matter off of his brass knuckles. "Did any of you kill that Zerek bastard? I can't say I had the great pleasure of doing it myself."

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