Chapter 25: Celestia Reborn

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Celestia stood in the middle of the throne room before six of her companions. Casandra and Karmen were still resting and recovering. Graham, standing between Aragol and Elmar, had a linen cloth wrapped around his face with a small hole over his mouth to breath, drink and eat and a slit for his eyes. She eyed him worriedly, hoping he would recover well. Boog had his head down in shame and was avoiding Celestia's gaze. Captain Habon stood on one side of the room as a fox and lizard stood on the other and King Mevon sat on his throne, surveying it all. Standing beside Celestia was Yzara.

Victoria was staring at the owl woman with her mouth slightly agape. She had been overwhelmed by the sight of the bipedal animals and had asked Aragol repeatedly if he saw what she did and even after he had assured her that he did she didn't completely believe him. Now with most of her friends with her seeing what she did she couldn't doubt it anymore. There were actually talking animals standing on two legs in front of her.

"Your coming here is of no coincidence," the owl woman said. "With you came Celestia and I believe that with her power we can stand a chance at surviving this most dangerous and dire situation."

"What power is she talking about?" Victoria asked Celestia, snapping back to attention. "What are you hiding from us?"

Celestia shrugged.

"She is hiding nothing," said the owl woman. "I, Yzara, Champion of Holaar, can sense it inside her. She has it, even if she has never used it before, and it is impressive. It will help us but I will need to train her to use it first. I haven't much time to do that but I will do what I can."

"What do you need from us?" Aragol asked, folding his arms over his breastplate.

"Nothing, truly. I only wished to advise you that Celestia will be with me for a time."

"We have a most important task to complete, Champion Yzara," Aragol said with a frown. "I understand the gravity of your situation but if you prevent us from fulfilling what were brought here to do then it will matter little if your current predicament is resolved."

Yzara narrowed her golden eyes. "Speak plainly."

"There is an anchor here," Aragol explained to her. "Its form is unknown to us but I know that it is in a grand temple deep into the desert. The force we are destined to stop is unlike any threat you have ever experienced. It threatens all life everywhere. Every minute we waste increases its chance of freeing itself and running amok throughout the universes. Once it is free there is no chance at all of stopping it. We need to get to that temple—all of us."

"The only temple deep in the desert near here is the Temple of Rankoor," said Yzara. "It is the very place I am taking Celestia. It seems our paths are the same. I had not planned on any company but perhaps with familiar faces around Celestia will be more at peace and her training will go more smoothly. You are welcome to come along if you wish. Trust me when I say I have no ill will towards any of you."

Aragol nodded. "I believe you, Champion, but what of our other companions?"

The lizard off to the side spoke this time. "The injured one is recovering quickly. She should be ready to depart immediately if you wish her to join you."

"And you are?" Aragol asked with eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"He saved Casandra," Elmar explained. "His name is Grig and he's a healer. Beside him is Lead Ranger Elenia. They saved us from Durn and his two allies. You can trust them...well, at least Grig. Ivory doesn't like Elenia too much."

"She's kind of a bitch," Ivory said, glancing at Elenia sidelong. The fox hardly paid her any attention.

"So it is settled then?" Yzara asked, getting back to matters at hand. "The eagles will be ready in a few minutes. You may refresh yourself in the meantime." She bowed to them and then walked across the room to speak with the king.

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