Chapter 17

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Alyssa's POV

I head to Bella's practice. Once I get inside we all begin working on the set. "Okay, Alyssa your performance was amazing so, would you like another solo?" Becca asks me. "Yeah, totally!" I say.

"Okay so, we start out singing Titanium, then we will start singing Shake it off, while Synthia rose raps to Timber Me, Alyssa, And Clhoe will start singing Cups. Once we get about hlaf way done with that song Alyssa will start singing Part of me. After she gets through the chorus we all come together to sing the ending of titanium." Becca says. I love how that's gonna sound. We all agree and we begin choreography. Along with my solo I will be dancing like last time.

An hour and a half later Clhoe says. "Okay, that's enough for today. Everybody be here at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning and we will have a long practice. That will be all for this week." I walk back to my dorm and change clothes. I put on a aztec print shirt with light pink jeans, and black high tops with studs on them. I take out my phone and call Donald. "Hey." I chirp. "Hey, is Bella practice over?" He asks. "Yeah, I have practice tomorrow then I'm done for the week." I tell him. "So, do you want to go to Starbucks?" He asks. "Yeah, meet me at my dorm in five minutes." I tell him. "Okay." He says and I hang up. I really like him he's just so sweet. I grab my backpack because I have some homework I never finished. Five minutes later I hear a knock on my door. "Hey, you ready?" He asks. "Yeah, just let me grab my phone." I grab my phone and we walk to Starbucks.

We order cappuccinos and sit in the corner booth. I take out my homework and look at it. I groan not wanting to do it. "What subjects?" Donald asks me. "Umm.... English, Math, and Theater." I say. I take my math homework and get it done easily math comes pretty easy to me. I look over my English homework. Write a page on a big achievement in life. I write about getting over my stage fright and how it was a big deal. Donald sits and watches me work in not really bugged by it.

I finish my literacy and look at my theater. I don't even know what it's about. I look at it and see it says. This is not homework. Each of my students will be auditioning for a summer blockbuster that will be filming. There are two open parts. The director would like a student to fill one of the lead roles. If you pass this audition there will be a few more auditions. This is the script for your audition and the plot of the movie. I look at that shocked. "This-this is the script for an audition. For a summer film. If I get this part I will be in a movie in Hollywood this summer." I say excitedly. "That's great that's what you've been wanting what's the movie about?" He asks. I look down at the papers and read "This movie is about a girl who has strayed from her family's past of becoming stay at home wives and farming men. She gets accepted into Harvard where she finds her dream to become a lawyer. Without the help of one single family member. Who will she meet? Will she achieve her dream?" That sounds pretty cool. "Wow, that's pretty neat. I hope you get the part!" He says. I look over my lines and practice for a while before we go back to our dorms.

We spend the rest of the day watching old cartoons in Donald's room. I eventually fall asleep.

I wake up in Donald's room. He's not up yet so I leave a note saying "Sorry I had to leave early. I have Bella practice be at the treble house at 3:30"

I go back to my room and change into a sports bra, spandex, and a sporty tank top. I walk into Bella's practice and we begin working on singing.

"Cause, this is the part of me that you'll never ever ever take away from me. Sticks and stones may break my bones but-" I sing. I stop right there because it goes back into titanium. We finish the song and we all cheer. Our choreography is almost perfect and the singing is almost spot on. "That was amazing everyone. Have a great weekend." Becca says. "Yeah, don't forget Finals are in a week and a half." Clhoe says. I'm about to walk back to my dorm bit I'm stopped by Becca. "Good luck." She says I know she's talking about the funeral. "Thanks." I tell her.

Once I get back to my dorm I put on a robe and head for the shower with my shower shoes towel and soaps. And clothes definitely clothes. After my quick shower I pull on a pair of shorts with a t-short that is gray and has an American flag on it. I head back to my dorm and blow dry my hair and pull it into a high pony tail after curling it and slip on some sparkly sandals. I grab my phone and check the time 3:00. I grab my book bag that has the script in it and head for the treblemakers house.

I don't even bother knocking on the door because nobody would answer. The doors never locked anyways. They're all idiots. I walk inside to see Donald, Jessie, and Greg, and Jake. Greg and Jake weren't here yesterday. I walk up to Donald and sit beside him. "Hey." I say. "Hey, baby bubble." I laugh. "That's such a weird nickname." He kisses me on the cheek and I turn away. I see Jake looking at us in shock and then hands Greg a 10 dollar bill. I look at them weirdly. "What's that for?" I ask. "My friend Jake here did not think you two would get together. I however being the love expert knew it. Just like I know Jessie and Becca are getting back together." Greg says. "Wait what?! I didn't know you guys broke up?!" I say surprised. Jessie looks at me "Yeah, well If you're going to cheat on me with my best friend Donald.... Wait??? There's no way she would've done that Becca knows Alyssa liked Donald. Crap! Gotta go!" Jessie says. "Told you!" Greg says. I laugh and get up pulling my script out of my bag. I start to quietly read over it some more I'm really nervous and excited. "What's that?" Jake questions. "I have an audition to be put in a summer blockbuster. "Dream girl" my whole class is auditioning and if I make it past this one there will be some more. If I get the part I will be starting my dream." I say. "Here I'll run lines with you. I would love to act." He says. I sigh and hand him a sheet with the boys lines. We rehearse for about 15 minutes when I turn around and here claps. Not only from Donald and Greg, but also from Bumper, Unicycle,Blake,Jessie,and Becca. I guess they made up. "Wow, you're really good." They say

After a while me and Donald head back to my dorm and fall asleep. I'm just so stressed right now and he gives me comfort. I fall asleep Welles in Donald's arms.

Okay I know not the best chapter, but I try. Please read and tell your friends. It's almost over, but there will be a sequel so don't worry.
Okay bye 1300 words lol!!!

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