Chapter 19 ― Shadow Proclamation

Start from the beginning

“Do you and the funny man need help?” one said, approaching me after I had all the cells unlocked. He was young like my age in Youthilosian age and he was still healthy. He probably wasn’t locked up for long.

“Yes, thanks. Stay at the end of the group and make sure everyone follows and tell me if you see anyone coming from behind,” I said, grateful of his offer.

“Thank you, you have set me free,” he replied with a sincere smile.

“No problem.”

With the young Youthilosian's help, I somehow managed to sneak about 20 people who couldn't move very quickly in a castle where people were walking around everywhere. I hide everyone in an unoccupied room right next to the Entrance hall and hide myself in a corner with a different plant than earlier, and I waited patiently for the Doctor's signal.

A good 20 minutes later, I knew that I had already thrown myself out the window and that they were probably going to the prison to check on the Doctor.

Suddenly, I saw him standing at the ball room door, searching the crowd for me. I caught his eyes and he gave me a thumbs up. I guess that was the signal.

I ran to the prisoners and told them to follow me. Of course, there were no hiding 20 people in the entrance hall and their appearance came as a shock to those who were out of the ball room at the moment. Luckily, we didn't get stopped by a Youthilosian before reaching the Doctor. When then entered the room, gasps were coming from everywhere around us, shocking the guest with their weak and dirty looks. Some people started to demand loudly what was going on.

I was surprised to see that the only Youthilosians in the room where the prisoners and that the leader was nowhere in sight. I went to the Doctor and he placed some weird machine in my hands.

“Where are the Youthilosians?” I asked.

“I sent them a distraction on the other side of the castle,” he grinned, typing quickly on this sort of laptop. “Ok, I've got a signal, press play and handle the camera, AJ.”

That's when I realized what I was holding. I found red button and, taking a guest, I presses on it and a lens appeared from one end and a small screen showed me what the lens saw. I pressed the green button and what I was filming appeared the laptop screen.

“Ok, you’re filming. Great,” the Doctor said, rearranging his bowtie and fixing his hair.

“Doctor!” I complained.

“Right! Hello, Shadow Proclamation! Long time no see, huh? You guys are the one responsible with the stuff like galactic peace prizes right? Well take a look at the planet you gave that prize to this year!” he said, motioning me to turn the camera to the prisoners. “Do these people look peaceful? The Youthilosian government have been hiding every single act of criminality and kill off anyone who dares still an apple or whatever fruit they eat here. They kill them without a trial or without a legitimate reason! And they have been hiding it from the Universe! Now, if I were you, I think this is something you should look into-“

“Get him!” the leader yelled, suddenly showing up in the room with his guards.

I quickly turned the camera to his enraged face.

“Oh, hello! Why don’t you say hi to the Shadow Proclamation, oh great and peaceful leader of Youthilosa!? You know who they are right? Protectors of the Universe!” the Doctor said happily.

From the crowd, some alien men showed up from nowhere and tackled the learder and the guards to the ground. I turned to the Doctor.

“Who are they?” I asked.

“Generals of the Shadow Proclamation invited to this evening’s event,” he smiled.

One got up from the ground and walked over to us, holding up his hand.

“General Snorilo. On behalf of the Shadow Proclamation, I thank you. Headquarters’ gave us the go to arrest as soon as you assed the situation. Lives will be saved thanks to you tonight,” he said, shaking the Doctor’s hand.

“Just doing what I do. I can never stay out of other people’s business,” he replied with a grin. “Now, looks like you have the situation under control, good evening!” the Doctor said and grabbed my hand, running as he pulled me out of the castle.

“Why the rush? You have a time machine, Doctor!” I laughed.

“I know, but I want you to see this,” he said, taking to me the side of the water where I had swam out earlier.

All I could see was the ocean and it was very dark too.

“What do you want-“ I started, but she cut me off, putting a finger over my lips and going shhh.

So I stood there and waited and suddenly, I could see the sun coming up at the over side of the sea. But the sun was blue like the blue part of a flame and the sky took a green and yellow color beautifully mixed together to create a piece of art that simply took my breath away. It was like an Earth sunset, but somehow, not only because of the colors, it was three times lovelier to see. All I could do is stand there and stare as the Doctor did the same next to me.

I had a burning urge to take his hand to share this moment completely, but I knew I couldn’t and that thought made me very sad. He had made things as clear as the Doctor makes things clear earlier – that is, not very – but I still got what he didn’t want to say. He will never love me.


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