Destruction everlasting

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Tangled in the shadows of a once existent earth,
She lingered aware of all her mistakes,
She'd ever made,
With open eyes,
Abruptly shrouded in an eternal darkness;
She pondered what was wrong and what was right,
And she let out a perplexed sigh,
The answer was non existent,
In her crowded mind;
For she was not sure she knew anything anymore,
her recent discoveries went against everything,
She already knew,
Who could she trust?
If anyone.
She watched the world wither,
And all humans crumble,
And shatter,
With glass hearts,
And weary eyes;
Just as she would soon enough,
The spaces around her growing eerily vacant,
As she watched her tragic fate,
Unfold before her eyes,
Full of anarchy,
Surrounded by calamity,
She cried,
For everyone,
For herself,
And for everything she'd done,
The destruction she'd caused had cost every last life.

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