Why can't you see?

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Do you know how hard it is to be told you need help?
That your broken and need to be fixed?
That there is something wrong with you?
To find the motivation to go to school?
To push myself to wake up just to see your disappointed face?
To know that you were once like me but you don't understand, no not one bit!
Don't you realise that I hate being like this?
That I hate myself with a passion especially because everyone thinks that I'm broken?
Do you know how much I try to hide this from you because I don't want you to worry?
i don't want you to know for your own safety.
Do you know that sometimes I have suicidal thoughts?
Do you know how I hurt inside, because I have two sides who want to speak?
Do you know how I take the covers off at night to welcome the cold to my skin?
Do you know how I wouldn't ever physically hurt myself but I've had thoughts before?
The temptation can be great...
Do you know how often my face is stained with tears?
Do you know how much I yearn for someone who understands?
For someone who really gets me?
Because right now I feel oh so alone.
Do you know how much I would rather be in the streets laying dead than listen to you bitch and moan about each other?
Especially when you fight, if ever.
Because you barely ever even talk to one another!
Do you know how lonely I am?
Even though I'm surrounded by a crowd.
Do you know how I welcome the cold because I like the why it makes me shiver?
How it has so much control and yet is so reckless?
How at any moment I could welcome the cold death to my body?
How nobody ever recognises me for my dream?
I want to be a writer and keep art as a hobby can't you see?
But everyone expects me to be what they want me to be?
That I feel like an outsider to the family?
That they all want me to do art and don't support me in my words?
Except one who is too far away for the others to hear her?
For she was once like me, we are we similar in a lot of ways.
How I want to think I'm smart but I feel there is no hope no matter what anyone says?
That the one who bullies me the most,
Is me,
That I don't trust any soul 100%,
Not even my own,
And I want so desperately just to drown in my own tears.

Authors note: I wouldn't exactly call this poetry but I did want to share it with you guys so here it goes.
I'm sorry for any sort of errors I just couldn't read over this to correct it.

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