Broken and shattered; mind and soul.

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My eyelids heavy,
Weighing on my soul,
My tears stuck in a downpour,
An endless stream of misery,
And regret;
Fretting for the long time,
Before I can see your smile,
full of life;
I worry for your safety,
For that dangerous mind,
That shouldn't be left all alone,
With its own cruel intentions;
I can see you with a cigarette in one hand,
And a glass in the other,
The liqueur restlessly refilling itself,
Until no longer capable;
The smoke clouding your judgment,
And bringing tears to your eyes,
As you think about all your lies,
As stains grow after every tear rolling down your cheeks,
I want you to decline,
An offer for another cigarette,
Or another glass of wine,
Because I don't want to see you cry,
And I know that your mind is,
Crowded with sinking despair,
With no repair,
But I can't stand to see you standing with,
Your feet on the line between sanity and insanity.
Your heart driving your every move,
A shadow of your other self,
Guiding you in the wrong direction;
Leaving an empty hole,
inside your soul.
And yet still I don't know what'll I'll do without you.

Authors note:
This poem is very personal and dear to me, and was very hard for me to put up for people to read; so please, don't judge me to harshly, this poem is about someone I love, and this poem is something I hold close to my heart.

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