A drop of poison for each and every tear

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Your voice is like white noise,
Passing from one ear to the other,
And I cannot decipher a single word you speak,
The words dancing in the wind like a foreign language,
Of some kind,
That I could never understand,
Mere words cannot describe the emotions that dance across my eyes as I see your face,
And your glass filled with wine,
Your glass, what was it?
Your 9th maybe,
But that is unimportant because you had long since stopped counting,
How many you had,
Enough to escape from life,
Enough to get away from your own thoughts,
And everyone else's words,
All they do is slur through your head,
As you fail your steps,
With a tumble,
And a fall,
You drop the cigarette from your other hand,
And the ash dances along my skin,
All you can hear is a voice quivering next to you,
I'd thought you would stop,
I guess I was wrong,
What did those words mean?
You cannot understand,
But I always will,
And later then,
As I laid you in your bed,
And a voice whispers in your ear,
I don't know how much longer take this,
It hurts, not you but me,
Maybe it would be better if I just left,
Then I wouldn't see you,
Clouding your judgment,
With alcohol.
I wouldn't have to carry you off to bed,
Every night that you let alcohol into your head,
And burn not only my arm,
But my heart in another sense,
But I love you to much to see you sit by yourself,
Lonely, your only friend the empty bottle,
That lay beside your empty head,
Even when I left,
Things to hard to bare,
You didn't put up a fight against alcohol,
Maybe because it's the only friend you have left,
And I wish you would at least,
Put up a single attempt at a fight,
With that poison,
You drink at night.

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