Chapter 43

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Lights flashing sirens blaring as they speed down the freeways passing cars making sure to avoid another accident.  Three paramedics work to keep her alive and breathing. Her eyes shut and not much  movement comes from below them on the stretcher. 

One paramedic is holding her hand and can feel her pulse dropping fast.  They must go after or she will lose her life. She lays there unaware of what is happening around her. The hands on her skin the voices around her saying jargon she can't comprehend.

The sun beats down in the sky above and life is not as it seems any more. It's about to change for everyone.

Arriving at the hospital, the men take her inside and she's taken back to the trama ward .   Doors close and a team nurses and doctors works vicariously to save a life. Her life.

Hours pass by and finally , she is saved. Doctors wheel her back to a private room and check her vials and chart her condition. Leaving they dim the lights to let her catch some much needed rest.

Shannon's POV

God there's nothing on TV I should call Jared and see if he has caught word of what is happening. He might be busy. Ah hell I grab the phone and call him. If he answer good if not " hello ? ". Jared " hey what's up ?" Me " you hear anything from her ?" Jared " no have you ? Oh wait hold on I have another call be back ". He put me in hold and I felt my phone vibrate.

I look at the screen and it's an unknown local number . Me " hello?" A man answers me and says " is this Shannon Leto ?" Me" yes who's calling ?" Man" this is Dr. West I'm calling about Julie she has you as her last contact on her call list , would you be able to come by the hospital downtown we need to talk about her care plan after she leaves the intensive care unit in a few days or so ?" Then it hit me , she was seriously hurt . I felt my heart drop into my stomach.

I can speak for a couple minutes I tried to wrap my brain around what was happening. The doctor spoke up breaking up my concentration.

Dr. West " Shannon ? Can you please let me know if your able to come see me ?" I signed deep and said " yes , I will be there soon "  I hung up and got out of bed.  I pulled off my cords and the alarm sounded.  The nurse came in and said " where are you going you need to stay in bed ".  I didn't listen. She needed me.

I got dressed in the bathroom and put on my shoes.  I had my debit card in my hand and called for a taxi.  I didn't have to wait long thankfully the quicker I get to her the better.

It felt like forever but I made it.   I quickly asked the front desk and ask where she was.  I agreed to meet the doctor in her room. I didn't know if I was prepared for what lied ahead of me today.  Truth I was terrified she was in bad shape. 

I walked down and reached her room and took a deep breath and walked inside. She was asleep and hooked up to the same stuff I was earlier.  It killed me to see her like this. If only I hadn't been so cold and told her things I should have kept to myself.  If I could I'd take it all back just so she would be ok again.

The doctor met up with me an we shook hands.  We talked and I learned just how bad she was.  He didn't hold back. I didn't know much of the medical jargon he said but hey I tried.

Shannon " so basically what are you saying ?"   Dr. West " I'm saying this , she has lost her sight. She will be able to hear you we fully examined her ears and she responded to all sounds we made. I know about her previous surgery  regarding her hearing loss.  I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you that , but we have to stay possitve. Don't give up hope , I promise you she will live a normal life. I here for you as well , don't hesitate if you need anything .  I'm right down the hall " 

He patted my shoulder an I felt my world shatter in two seconds.  Not for my pain , for hers. Her dreams of dance , over .  She will never be able to see me again. That killed me. How in the hell do you tell the woman you love this ? Break her heart , crush her dream she had wanted so badly?

I walked to her beside and sit down reaching for her hand and say " Juliet , I'm here baby .  I love you so much. I'm so sorry ". 

I laid my head down on my arm and suddenly felt her move in bed.  I waited to hear if she would say something.   And she said " Shannon ? What's wrong ? Where am I ?"    I looked at her and caressed her face.

Me " your in a hospital bed , you were in a bad accident. Your gonna be ok though ".  I lean over and pray she can feel the warmth of my breath and not ask why she can't see me.  I'm not in luck.

Juliet " Shannon , I can't see you ! Why can't I see you I feel your breath on my face .... Oh my god ! What's wrong why can't I see you ?"   I watch as tears falls from her eyes and I say with a bleeding heart " the doctor said that...."    She reached and touched my face and more tears appeared.  My heart broke in two for her feeling so much pain.  I knew she was scared . Hell so was I ! 

Me " he said your blind you lost all your vision.  I'm so sorry.  Juliet I'm so sorry ".  She pulled my head to her chest and we both cried and held each other.  She didn't say anything but I could hear her heart screaming in pain. I crawled into her bed and held her until we both fell asleep. Tomorrow would be the beginning of a different life for both of us. There was no turning back.

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