chapter 7

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She's leaving ? Now do I prevent this? Or let her go ? She gets out of my truck and I follow her down to the sand . We drive down the road and last minute I decided to take her to the beach and spend time with her and see what she is all about with no one around. She looks back at me . I can't help what my heart feels. We barely even met ,I don't really know her yet, it's that kind of shot through the heart love from heaven above. You feel like you have known them all your life. That they were sent from heaven just for you. Just you .

Julie " come on!". She smiles , I run up to her , we throw off our shoes and head to the water. Its warm and the sand flies behind us as we both crash into the waves. She tosses off her shirt leaving on her black bra and denim shorts. She's a free spirit. With the hearing loss she doesn't let it damper her inner sunshine.

Just what I needed. We stand in the water and look at each other . I'm afraid to touch her. I don't wanna scare her off. Julie" I have to leave in two days , I'm excited but I don't know how I'm gonna make it ? I wanted Tomo to come With me but I know he just can't so ....."

I look away and just take the chance to let her know how I feel about it all. Me" I will come with you , we can be roomies?" She blushes and looks over to the sun setting . I move in closer to kiss her cheek but she turns back to me just to connect our lips. A fire erupts as we kiss.

There's that look again. She tries to move away , I pull her back to kiss her again. My hand in her hair and the other hand on her lower back . She's holding back . I'm bound to make her cave. No matter how long it takes me.

As we stop, she says " we can't do this , I can't do this with you " I'm puzzled at why . Me" why do you push me away ?" She looks at me, I already know the answer. She doesn't wanna fall for me. Only wants to keep me in the friend zone. I am not staying there. I refuse to be a friend.

We get out of the water , I grab a towel and hand it to her . She wraps it around her waist. I am surprised she hasn't covered up her chest. Oh well I like the view.

She leaned down grabbing her purse. We sit on the sand , I lean in to lay my head on her shoulder. Julie " what do you wanna do with your life ?" Honest question I guess. Me" own my own company & live life to the fullest. Just wanna be happy. What about you ?" She's impressed. Julie" I wanna dance in Juilliard school . I just want to have lights on me , just lose myself in the music " I turn over and lay down on the sand , placing my hands behind my head.

She looks over and sees my stomach is exposed. An eyebrow goes up as she lays down then takes off her towel. I can see her body up close now. I wanna touch it, taste it, feel it on mine. Doubt she will ever let me go there. I lean over and touch her stomach with my finger and trace her belly button. She pushes my hand away and puts her towel back on.

I can't keep making the moves if she just shuts me out. Guess she's bound to keep me at bay.

We get up and head to the truck then head home. I didn't even get far with her. As we pull up later to her house I make a final move but am quickly interputed by her brother running out to the truck. He looks upset but not sure why . I have a bad feeling it's not good.

Tomo " Julie .......please come here inside I need to tell you something " He looks at me and I don't follow them inside. I stay at the truck an just scroll through my phone and check over the work schedule for the week. Oh ! I have Monday off so maybe I can take her to the airport. Say goodbye.

They walk inside and close the door and I wait some more. Half hour passes and I'm getting worried about what's going on. I close the car door out my phone in my pocket and head to the front door. I slowly open it and peak inside . I'm confused to see Julie and Tomo hugging she's crying and she peaks over his shoulder at me . I don't make a move.

She however does ,coming to me hugging me tight. I can feel her shaking and know she is really really upset. I look over and see Tomo signing to me , that their mother had died as result of heart attack easier in the evening. While we were at the beach. Her mother had tried to call her, but Julie had left her phone in her purse, on silent. She felt guilty for missing those calls. She regretted it. It wasn't her fault. Tomo had received the final phone call, that their mother had passed on the way to the emergency room.

I look down at her and squeezed her even tighter. She laid her head on my chest and I feel so bad. I didn't know what was going in her mind . I decided to call off from work tomorrow and just be here for her and Tomo.

After awhile , everything settled down and we all had some drinks and watched a movie. I kept catching glances from her and she had puffy red eyes and looked tired. Half way into the movie , I look down and she had fallen asleep. I looked over to Tomo and he tried to wake her and she wouldn't budge. Out like a light.

I stand up , careful not to wake her and swoop her up in my arms and take her to bed . I pull back the covers and lay her down and cover her up . I turn to walk out of the room when I hear a banging on the wall. I look over my shoulder and she's awake . She waves me over and I sit in the edge of the bed. Julie" can you please stay with me ?" Part of me wants to say no. I don't wanna get to close to her .

I pull back the blankets and crawl in and open my arms. He cue to come closer to me. She moves in and I kiss her head and she turns her eyes to me and puts her hand on my cheek and pulls my lips to hers. We kiss . This kiss is electric. I hold her face in hand then kiss her deeper. She grabs my hand and moves it down on her breast , her tongue slides in my mouth. I pull away and don't wanna take advantage of her. Not when she is in this vulnerable state. I lay my head done next to hers and run my finger along her face.

She closes her eyes and signs to me " thank you for being here for me " then opens her eyes again . I say " your welcome , get some sleep " she kisses my nose and lays her head under my neck. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

In the early morning, I'm awoken by the feel of hands on my chest. She's awake and is crying again. I say " are you ok , wanna talk about it ?" She sniffs and signs "I had a dream about my mother , it just hit me , she's dead " I pull her head to me and kiss her then say with my hands " I'm so sorry , I will stay awake so we can talk about it as long as you want to, ok ?" She says " ok " We stay awake till the sun comes up and she talks about her memeories of her mother . It's heartbreaking. I feel for her.

I feel my eyes getting heavy and start to drift off. She has beat me to it. I pull up the covers and kiss her head . Time for bed.

In the afternoon , we wake up , she gets news from the school. They want her to fly out on Tuesday, for tryouts . The same day as her mother's burial. She knew she couldn't miss it . So that ment one thing , school had to wait. Her opportunity was slowly slipping away. She became even more depressed and was about to lose all hope. I had an idea, how both would work out. One thing I hadn't told her , or Tomo , I had a ex that was a dancer. She had just graduated from a school. One that Juliet could easily get into. It was close by my home , that was another plus. Best way I could keep her close to me. She was growing on me. I wasn't ready to let her go , not just yet.

I got up to tell her the good news , when I saw Jared hugging her. I wish he would stop coming here. I'm starting to get jealous. Not gonna lie. He smiled and said to me " hey! We got good news ! She just got the date moved to go to New York school of dance. She leaves in a week" I was torn that she was indeed gonna leave away for good. And I didn't wanna lose my chance to get into her heart.

The news got even worse for me , he was gonna be her roommate . They were gonna live together. I was confused. How do you live with someone you just met? Well guess the same goes for me too. She came over to me , hugging me tight. A happy moment for her , in this time of greif, I just couldn't steal that away.

How could I not worry? She barely knew him and was running off to New York, with him ! Only thing left to do . I was gonna be her last goodbye at the airport . She would be gone for how long , I just didn't know. I had to find a way to stay connected with her someway . Some how .

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