chapter 31

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That was one hot car ride. We did it twice as he drove and once more in the back of the parking lot. I had to pull myself together and get my mind back on the dance routine. Shannon " bye I will be back here when your done ok ?". I kissed him goodbye and went inside.

The air conditioning was on thanl for for that my body was still in fire. That man had moves.

I could see the class forming so I hurried inside. As I stepped in dropping off my bag to the floor I was met with a set of eyes I thought were long gone from my life.

Robert " hey, how are you?". I stood there in silence. What do I say ? How should I say what I'm thinking? Robert " suprise to see me ?". Me" yea , I thought that you were in Paris right now working?". He leaned in and I moved my head away. I was shannons no longer his anymore. Truth I never was Roberts. We , were just a swift breeze in the winds of love. Nothing to last long.

Robert " I came back ! I couldn't get you out of my mind and I had to see you again ". His hand touched mine and again , I pulled away. Robert " your with him , aren't you ?". He looked away and I said " my heart always was with him , always will be . It made that choice, I couldn't ignore anymore. ".

He turned back and looked in my eyes. Robert " are you happy?". I didn't know if that was a legit question or a trick ?

Me" in love, yes I am . I'm getting married to him. Yes , I'm very happy ". He touched my face with his two hands and said " don't pull away , just hear me out. You wanna know what I think ? Your not happy , you gonna marry him because of guilt . Your heart is mine. You know you felt something when I kissed you ,don't tell me otherwise. I see it when yoy look at me now , you want to be with me. I make you happy ". I turned my face and he got back in my line of sight . Me " I need to go . I have a routine to learn ". Robert " you know I'm right! Look at me and tell me you didn't feel anything when I kissed you Juliet, I want to hear you say it ". I felt so torn. He was right, I felt fireworks , free floating so to speak and like my soul had been revived. But I wanted to marry shannon for love not guilt.

So I looked Robert in his eyes and said " I felt nothing, I have to go ". He held my hand and didn't let go. Robert " yes you did , I know it , I feel it ". Me" how ?". I didn't wanna know what he was gonna say next.

Robert" your shaking right now , I make you nervous. Love makes you nervous. If it doesn't, why else would we say we have butterflies? ". I smiled and then I heard a faint voice coming from the back of us.

Robert " who is that ? I don't recognize him , do you ?". I turn and see jared coming inside . Jared " well well well we meet again ! How are you?". He kissed my cheek and I said " what are you doing here ?". Jared " I'm here to watch my girlfriend dance , what about you ?". Me" I'm dancing , who is your girlfriend? ".

He and I went in and he showed me. Figures , the snotty girl that bashed me at auditions. Me" oh....I see ". Jared " what you jealous she is cutet than you ?". Me " excuse me ? ". Robert jumped in and said " that girl isn't that cute really, she's actually a pretty bad dancer and kisser too". I looked at Robert and laughed.

Me" what did you say?" He kissed my cheek and said " hey, she was a one date girl , unlike you . You had something more that I fell for ". Me" wow you kiss on first date ? ". Robert "hey , we kissed early on ". He had a point.

Jared " she is cute , so I don't care what you two say ". Robert " have fun with my sloppy seconds ". Jared " well buddy I could same for you , didn't Juliet tell you get and I dated ?".

I was done listening . I left them both there and went in and got in position. The teacher asked the guys to stay and help us learn. As our dance partners. Oh great ! Just when I thought I had gotten rid of them . We waited for the music to play and at first I thought ok Robert will come and be my dance muse , nope.

The teacher had taken jareds arm and led him to my area. Teacher " the routine is your hands on her waist and toss her up in the air and as she comes down your hands slide up her sillouete then up her arms. Final two jumps , then single leap and her body lands against yours and I wanna see a lot of passion. Show your emotions through the music and touch ". I never knew that they would let non students in to dance with us ? But who was I to argue with my teacher so I went with it.

I looked at jared and I knew what he was thinking . Jared " ok , I'm pretty sure I can do that , with her body ". I blushed and he smiled . This was gonna be interesting to say the least .

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