chapter 2

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I couldn't sleep at all! I couldn't believe i'd finally received the news if been waiting for all my life. Although, there was one moment in time I wish I'd been dead. I was 17 and on top of the world. Just finished my junior year of high school and bought my first car. I'd taken the bus everywhere and grew tired if it. Crowded and nosy got in my nerves. Day after day I paid my fare and sat in the back putting in my headphones and blocking out the world. I became more distant and didn't wanna be to close to people I didn't know. I just didn't like being touched at all. Why? Because while I was in school one day, my then boyfriend took advantage of me and made me swear never to tell anyone. I felt gross and violated. To this day Tomo doesn't even know. No one does! I would take it to my grave. So anytime I was touched or someone hugged me I cringed and it didn't feel good it reminded me of what happened. It tarnished my heart big time.

Anyhow , I was out one night searching for a coffee stand that was still open. Rare find if you come across one. I turned a corner and finally found one that was serving black brew. Mm mm the smell always took me away to my happy place . I pulled in and orded a cup of java vanilla flavored with a hint of Carmel. One swipe of whip. The man who took my card was fluent in sign language too, thankfully. It was a pain to try to write it all out. Not because I didn't want to, but because I had terrible handwriting. But a couple times I had the option of using text. Thank you god for texting! It saved my butt so many times . I can't even begin to explain.

I shifted back into gear and stepped on the gas. My next stop was to go buy some new dance gear. My other outfits were just to outdated and worn out. My ballet shoes needed an upgrade as well. Funny thing to, my favorite color is pastel pink . Go figure, I become a ballerina and pink is my daily wardrobe choice. Life worked in funny ways. Oh yea, my hearing was lost when I had gotten into a auto accident. I had took a wrong turn on a one way street and collided head on with a truck . It instantly shattered my ear drums. I remember waking up in a hospital . I looked at the doctor who leaning over, in my face. I couldn't make out what he was saying to me. Not one word. My life became a battle. I wasn't embarrassed about the new problem I had, I was more worried that I couldn't hear music now when I dance. I learned over time to read lips and studied sign language. Then was blessed with texting. Both gifts came in handy daily.

My brother was my savior. So many times I wanted to give up and not even leave the house He always told me one thing, "this family isn't a bunch of quilters. We don't back down from a challenge, never let anyone tell you different! ". He was my rock , he still is. I hid the fact I was deaf a couple times from my friends. To them, I was the why girl who didn't talk. But once they learned about my mystery, they embraced me. Guess i should've just told them , but I didn't wanna be treated as a helpless person because I couldn't hear.

Back to present day again. I was on my way to the ballet school or performing arts school. It was one of the hardest to get into in the USA. But I got lucky. I was one of the few that busted their butt hard enough to catch their attention . I was very humble and grateful too. Never took it for granted, not one day. I was minutes away from my future when the light turned red. I stopped the car and took a drink of my coffee. Mmmm, still warm too. I felt an intense vibrations under my seat. I didn't know if it was another earth quake or some big truck rumbling behind me.

I turned quickly to the left and saw a construction site. Lots of guys working in every corner of the work site. But I couldn't help but notice one sitting , talking on his phone and he was smoking. I hated smoking , It was a huge turn off. Stunk too. But hey, to each there own. The light turned green and I took off again. Man that guy was cute. To bad I will never probably see him again. No chip off my shoulder.

I arrived at the school and turned off the engine. My coffee had gone cold, so I tossed it in the garbage. I threw my keys into my purse then straightened my coat. Time to make this dream come true, once for all.

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