chapter 25

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Shannons P.O.V.

Time flies when you are busy working and don't have a girl making you a second priority. She can have her dance world I'm done with it. Back to my own life. I have two jobs to do today and I need to get going again .

Green light all the way to work. Coffee in hand and oh wait what's that? I glanced down and see I have a message and see Tomos name . I pull in the coffee shop and head inside. I read it and it says" hey bud , just wanna let you know juliets got a dance audition coming up. I know you two called it off , but I think that she would be pleased if you come and see her dance. It would mean alot to her . Don't tell her I said anything. Lemme know if your gonna be able to make it I will meet you there. Take it easy man ".

I sit down wait for my coffee and contemplate if I want to go or not. Maybe she wouldn't be happy to see me. I need to do something first, and just see what happens next .

Meanwhile back at Garretts house....

Juliet " what should I wear ?". Garrett " that black dress I got you , I think that new boy would like it ". Juliet " I'm just having coffee babe its not a night out on the town ". Garrett smiled and said" ya never know , it could lead to more. Have you heard anything from shannon? ". Juliet looked at him, shook her head and said " can we not talk about that subject ". Garrett took a sip of his coffee and got up to look out window. Both if heard a car door shut. Who could this be ?

Garret" um babe, its blue eyes ? Did you ask him to come over ?". Juliet " no did you ?". Garrett laughed and said "no why would I ask him ?". I laughed and went down to answer the door. I peaked our the peep hole and saw that he had something in his hands.

His eyes looked deep in mine and said " hey I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by and say hi . And give you this ". He handed me a box and I opened it and the gift was so sweet . Jared " what have you been ?". Garrett " why is he here I don't remember inviting him did you? ". I shook my head and said " no but be nice ok he's my company ". I let him in and kissed his cheek. Me" I've been good I have audition coming up so there's that ". Jared " that's good , you still seeing shannon? ". Garrett busted uo lauging and said " oh lord! He's long gone he left her high and dry . Is that why your here , you come to do that too? ". Jared was stunned but stayed calm . Jared " no actually, but I'm sorry he did that,its cold if him. Juliet , I'm here to ask you out to dinner we need to talk about something ". Juliet " there's nothing to talk about jared . You and I had sex shannon is pissed now I'm left holding the bag . So thank you ". Jared " I'm gonna go then if yiur gonna be a bitch to me ".

Garrett jumped up and got I'm jareds face and said " say that's again and I will fuckin deck you". Jared " oh please I ain't scared of you ". Garrett pushed jared out the door slammin it in his face and I opened the door a crack again throw his gift back to him.

I had had enough ! Fuck all men. I wasn't counting on Robert calling either. Why hold my breath? I grabbed a coffee cup and threw it at the wall and yelled out my frustrated hearts pain. Juliet " I feel bad , I chased shannon away and this new guy won't call I just know he won't. Plus I don't need to be in a relationship right now , all love does is break your heart. Why can't you be straight so I can date you? At least I know that you will stick around ". I sat on the ground and held my head.

Garrett came over and rubbed my back telling me " trust me you would be my first choice, your still my babe no matter what kid". I looked uo and held his hand in mine. Juliet " wanna go to the studio and dance for a bit ? I need to clear my head ". He helped me back up and smiled " lets go shake out booties baby cmon ".

We got changed and met him back downstairs. He opened the door and I was stunned to see who was standing there looking back at me . Juliet " what are you doing here ?". He smiled and held out his hand and said " I love you I couldn't stay away ". I felt unsure how to feel , I stood there and neither of us moved. Time stood still. Shannon had come back . I wasn't prepared for that .

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