A true boyfriend

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I take one step into the large bedroom, I look around the bare dark maroon walls. in the middle was a four post bed with curtains tied to the posts. The mahogany shimmered with the evening light. The large windows brought massive amounts of light. Even as the sun was setting, I set my bag down on the mahogany desk that was in front of the window I pulled my pillow out of my bag with my blankets. I could feel someone was behind me. I turned to face the person Colin was hovering over me protectively his arms wrapped around my waist. I lean my head back into his broad chest. 

“I’ve missed you so much,” He whispers “I’m really happy that you have the same feelings for me, as I have for you.”

“I myself have just been a mixed pile of mess while I was finishing school. ITs a good thing though.” I pecked his cheek.

As soon as my lips left his cheek a blush spread across them. I blush myself inside electricity shoots down every inch of my being. I lace my fingers through his hand as we lay down on the bed. looking up at the ceiling a poof of dust rises at the sudden amount of wait plopping down. I sneeze eight times digging in my bag for a kleenex. I blow my nose tossing the used kleenex into the dusty trash bin. I lean back into the mattress realizing that It was a feather mattress. Colin weighing more than I caused a deeper recess than mine making my body roll into his. I’d have a nosebleed if I were an anime person, but this was reality. 

I try to scootch away for a little space to be in between us but I couldn’t muster much. because I’d just ended up sliding back over to his side. I give up letting out a small sigh. I look at the ceiling it looked as if their were stars on the ceiling making me smile. 

“I remember when I first laid eyes on you,” Colin started.

“Really wasn’t that like in highschool?” I question softly.

“Yeah you were a senior, and I was already a college student. Shelia had met you during her senior year the year before I met you. She kept talking about a junior who could be perfect for our lead singer. But I was unsure because she was always wasted and could easily confuse things sometimes.” He laughed softly 

I look over at him my eyes soften a little as he continues to stare at the ceiling. His shaggy hair covers his ears his left eye was covered with his shaggy hair. It spiral out around his head like my long hair swirled around my head. I return my gaze to the ceiling above us reminiscing with him. 

“I remember meeting your father he sized me and my brother up. He threatened my brother about going near his only daughter.” He snickered “I didn’t know that his only daughter would look so beautiful with a smile that could power the sun with radiance.” He pauses 

“Really Was I that happy then?” I question

“Yeah, I only met you once before your father’s death,” He looks down at me.

A blush dusts my cheeks, I start to fight sleep that threatened to take me any second. I wanted to listen to his confession that politely. And not fall asleep in the middle of it. 

“The next time I saw you was a few days after your father’s death. I could tell that your smiles were all but gone. But a few times you’d smile that bright as the sun smile. I still long to see you that happy again. Your smile gives me happiness.” He turns his head to kiss my forehead gently.

“I’ll try to be that happy again to make you happy.” I end with a small yawn.

I rub my face into his side as I find a perfect place to snuggle up to. I could feel him shift in the bed leaving the bed kissing my forehead again saying goodnight. I felt a blanket being pulled over me I reach up to the blanket pulling it around my body making a small cocoon around myself. banishing all the haunting memories of the past from coming to me. I would just dream of the times Colin and I had spent together today. 

~Time skip~

In the morning Haven was pecking at the wide window at me. I stirred awake my blanket covering my like a snake. I stumble out of the bed looking for a window that opens. I finally found a small window where Haven swooped into the room. Shadow ran into the room carrying a rabbit in her maw. I shift a little telling her good job as she drops it by my feet. The warmth of the once alive rabbit still dewald with in the fur of the animal. I pick out my cleaning knife heading towards the kitchen. Some of the maids were staring at me as if I were crazy. My hair was probably really messy too. I made it after getting lost like three times to find the monster sized kitchen. Only to find my mother cooking away within it. She was feeding the workers of the ranch now I suppose that is. I hand her the rabbit already cleaned. She thanks me before peeling the muscle away from the bones. 

Colin appears in the kitchen as I’m pouring a bowl of marshmallow cereal. I offer him the box after I’ve added my milk. He says no softly but puts the cereal box back on the shelve. Instead he grabs a plate of my mother’s homestyle cooking. Gravy and eggs, with biscuits. I sit down silently not a morning person at all and eat my rashon. I turn in my chair popping my back after I had inhaled my cereal into my stomach. My stomach growls have been satisfied so now I had to go out on the ranch and see if there was work to be done. I slid on some tennis shoes before I go. Colin is being polite when he opens the door for me. I thank him with a brisk nod. We still haven’t talked about what happened last night. But it was sure to come up later this afternoon. Mornings are not my cup of tea and I like my silence in the morning more than anything. Most of my friends know this. 

I get Greta, Roset, and Schwartz out of their stalls and put them in the dressage yard. I put some catchy tunes on, and away we went on our warm ups. I sigh softly as I bring out the water buckets and start to lather them all down and then rub the soap into their coats making them gleam like newborns. They smelled like strawberries, I liked using goat milk soap on their coats it gave them extra shine. Especially when I knew how to make the soap myself so I knew how to add extra stuff to it. I made this batch I was using with extra love and care. I wash away the suds they buck around in the middle of the grass field letting the air dry them. I laugh a little as Roset is the first to return letting me braid her snow white mane. 

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