another long chapter hopefully :P

16 1 0

~Colin’s POV~


We reach the address Raven’s aunt Annabelle gave us, when we got here we were super surprised by just the flat out size. We knew that Raven worked for everything she ever got. We’ve been to her house before, but to know that her mother’s side really had this much money sheesh. It makes me think back to when my own father was alive. He was a millionaire but he still was a cheapskate, so we lived in a middle class neighborhood.

We knocked loudly on the front door, not noticing the doorbell until the door had opened. Concern washed through my being as I look down at Raven, she looked as if she was half out of it.  


“I didn’t think that you two would be able to switch schools with us, Sheila did say that she did want at least you two as well so we don’t get out of shape. Especially when you have your careers on the line.” she mutter

“Is that the welcome we get after trying our best to get here?” Carter rose a brow.

“Sorry, I’m exhausted from basketball practice, and then training with Sheila. I’m fighting to stay awake right now. You are free to make yourselves comfy.” she finally yawns


Then she leads us inside, I can tell her gait is laborious due to how slow she was moving compared to her normal hyper step. I begin to worry if it was just because of the two labours activities or if something else was causing her trouble. I also wondered if she would ever figure out that this was my home town. Or the fact my cousin is living in the house to her right.  I couldn’t wait to mess with him, but until then I can worry over her first. She finally falls asleep leaning against my shoulder.


“There she goes finally--- she’s had a big day today. Second day of school is always the hardest.” Carmen frowned “too bad that snobby girl keeps thinking that she’s messing with her man. pfft. Like she would date just anyone or flirt, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know how to flirt.” She laughs.

“That is true, She’s been to a few dance clubs. Guys could flirt with her and she would just look confused at them 80% of the time.” Sheila laughs before adding.

“She’s getting better at her self defense it might be time to step it up a notch soon agreed Carmen. Next week we’ll raise it to a full level fighter teaching will come first though.” She nods

“Bro when are you going to be the gentleman and take her to her bed?,” Carter questions

“I was waiting for the right time as to not miss out on the discussion or interrupt anyone.” I smile kindly.

“Man if you were not in our music group you’d ....” Sheila commented aloud.


I blush deeply at her flirtatious comment. I wrap my arms about Raven bridle style taking her to her room. I climb the slender stairs gracefully able to hold her with one arm for a split second to open the door. I closed it behind me as I looked inside. I could see her craft stuff hadn’t been fully unpacked but it looked as if she was trying to make the room feel smaller because it was just too big for her. Comparing this to her room at home was an understatement. This was about the size of her entire upstairs into one space. without weird angles cutting out at different places. I whistle lowly when I finally set her down on the very plush bed. I felt a hand clenched to my t-shirt. It was pulling down weakly. I look down at her face thinking this through before sighing deeply. I gently push her over to the other side of the bed so I can fit without making it weird. Her breath was warm against my chest as she seemed to snuggle closer to my body. I felt slightly uncomfy in this position. I text my brother what happened he texted back lol.

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