The closure for a weary soul

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~Carmen’s POV~

Why in the heel was my brother here, he was supposed to be on the war front unless he found me which I made sure not to leave any traces when I ran away from the battlefield. I slammed the two men on the couch in front of me before glaring the deadliest deserved glare.

“Why in the Flying Gatsby are you here.” I growled deeply

“Well sis the war has stabilized, New providence has completely disappeared from the radar. There are goonies but no soldiers. So I asked James if he knew where you died because I wanted to visit your grave while I was off. I never expected you to have abandon your POST. To become a common civilian which you and I both know you could never be due to the training we have had.” Yuri growled

“Yuri you don’t know your own twin as well as you should. You should have been able to pick up that she didn’t want to fight ever. Yet she was born in an era that only wanted fighters for a bloody war I was created to fight in.” Sheila commented darkly.

Yuri stood up pointing a specially trained gun at her heart. James grabbed his arm firmly, I stood between the two,

“What the HEEL Are you doing with the enemy!” He yelled

“She’s not my enemy shes a friend who had the same ideas as I did when we faked both of our deaths and fled the battle front. I’m no longer human but a Hybrid so don’t think that we’ll ever be the same.” I spat.

Yuri sat down tucking his gun underneath his battle suit. I glared angrily at him before standing a few centimeters from his face.

“None of them know except for the Akatsuki that randomly appeared in Raven’s home. Raven is the human Sheila and I have bonded to, you have no right to touch her in anyway even if it is to help her. She’s trained long enough to be a level 4 fighter, skilled enough to be a level 4 close combat. She’s only training because she lost her father due to a shooter who appeared at her school and killed some kids and her father stood up to the shooter disarming him in the cost of his life. So if you try to talk her out of training then thats your own lose.” I pause “And if you are choosing to follow me you have to leave the life you had before to follow me.”

“Sure thats why I came, I was going with james to find your resting place anyways to end my life. because as long as there was no war there was no point in life without my sister.” Yuri told sharply.

“You’ve changed a lot to think of committing suicide over the death of a sister.” I snapped “You must of known I was alive to even come out like this.” I snap. 

I slam the door as I leave them there inside the boat. 

~Raven’s POV~

I sat there at the edge of the boat thinking deeply inside my heart who would make the better match for me. Would Colin or Itachi be a better soul mate. Colin was much older than I by six or so years while Itachi was my age. But I had the same craving to be near both of them. I couldn’t pick out the different feelings at all. The ones that would separate them. Which would be the better match for the horse farm that I would surely have to look after. It bounced around my brain so many times it was unreal.  Colin hadn’t come to my birthday neither did Carter sadly. I wished I could see them but they had to stay in California to look after the ranch for me. Caleb and already agreed to be the accountant for the ranch and Andy wanted to help if he could with the electronics. They jobs would pay them well past normal wage. That reminded me I needed to check on Schwartz on his racing career. Only Castiel was capable of controlling him besides myself. 

My eyes looked distant as they fold in on my thinking leaving me a sitting duck for my cousins attack. He scooped me up and jumped into the water the shock of the water awakens me to my surroundings. The fact my lungs are now far worse than they had been. I could clearly tell what I had now. A sickness that filled my lungs with flem. One I had only once before to know the later signs of. I swam to the surface of the water coughing up flem and water from my lungs. My body rattles in effort as I slowly make my way back to the boat. I struggle getting aboard only to be lifted out of the water by the red head with emerald eyes. His eyes filled with concerned as he patted my back firmly helping me cough up more crap from my lungs. Carmen turns to face me her face contorts with concern she got down in front of me pressing her palm against my pale forehead. 

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