new job = new people

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“Shush I know I know Haven--- you know the drill peck the window seal at dawn so I can let you in and wake up because we both know that clocks don’t work. So happy hunting and flying to wherever you go during the night.” I whispered.

Haven squawked sharply as she hopped into the window seal. I felt as if eyes were watching me again. Haven swiveled her head around facing the Dollhouse I followed her turned head gaze at the doll house. She flew back at the dollhouse landing on the top of it. pecking at the plastic film window. I was unsure why she was doing this now. but I could understand that she wanted to find out what the hell was going on. I went to slip back on the leather glove as I slowly opened the side of the house. It revealed eight small people in black cloaks with red clouds. Scattered around on the cloaks, I picked up one with the red eyes staring at it with wonder. I held the doll with such care as if it were glass unsure if I had seen these dolls before. I know for sure I didn’t own any animation dolls because my father had been such against my favorite anime shows calling them Japanese stuipd shat. I gently close the door of the doll house still holding the doll. I blinked a few times pinching myself just to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. I set the doll down on my nightstand watching it as it stood there.


“Haven is this what is bugging you?” I motioned the Raven

Haven tilted her head her black beady eyes watched this figure stand there. I could have sworn that the figure’s eye color shifted to black to red. But I was totally sleep deprived from college and the school work was piling up so tomorrow I sighed. shifting around in my bed I gathered my blanket around my body cuddling to my body pillow making sure to spray the Bug repellent around my window and on the mini curtains so that mosquitoes don't hunt me down in my slumber as Haven goes in and out of my bedroom.

Peck peck peck peck. Haven’s beak pecked at my metal bed frame, she had to resort to pulling my cover off. I shifted groaning quietly, Rubbing my eyes gently I picked up the window screen slowly snapping it back in place closing the window snuggly. I go into my mini bathroom turning on the shower to aid in waking up. Hot water pelted my skin crimson as I stepped out nude into the landing looking for a change of clothes. My hair had gotten too long to handle again so I was going to get it cut or I was going to cut it. I slipped into a comfy professional dress. Pulling my hair to one side letting it drip down on the towel I combed my fingers threw it as I blow dried my hair. The warm air blasted against my dry skin.

I applied lotion to my thirsty skin. I braided my hair, pulling my eyeliner out applying it thinly. I was getting ready for a job interview so I could help my mom pay the bills. My father passed away last summer right before I got out of High school. I miss him so much, our family dog Buck died with him. I don’t feel like going into details on what exactly happened at the moment I didn’t want to end up crying my mascara. My future possible job would be working with the goats in a nearby place. It was the best job I could think of. It would help a lot more than taking care of the fish tank in Ace hardware’s store. They were sexist people every time I got near the fish tank they would shoo me away like I was an annoying fly.

I set down my mascara looking into the mirror wondering if light eyeliner and little mascara was too much makeup. I peeled out of the dress pulling up some clean jeans now that I had chosen more appropriate attire for the job description. I put on a professional top. Pulling on my socks I looked up to my bed stand where the little doll should be. I noticed that the little doll was sitting down leaning its head against my lamp. Its little eyes were shut. Haven had returned to her cage knowing since mom is off today and she found her free flying around I’d get yelled at again. I said goodbye to Haven leaving the door to her cage open.

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