the noise I thought was a mouse but was dolls?

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****I want to inform my readers that I have no right to claim any naruto characters during this book. I can stake claim to all the other characters from my story though. Please enjoy, let me know if there are errors or you like it ****

Coasting up the stairs, I work my way to the steep slope to the landing. Looking around the cluttered work space where I had been working on a project for school. Hearing a little creature scurry away into my old doll house, it sounded like little feet running on hard plastic. Shifting an eyebrow wondering if we had mice again. Shrugging my shoulders, looking at my wonderful finger painted sunset. I smiled brightly as I pulled out many little clay bricks I had made during school. Noticing little shoe prints from the wet paint in the left of the picture. Making me wonder if the mice started to wear shoes. Nah its just my crazy imagination again surely it is. Setting the wet clay down, as I was molding a base for the little hut, dried paint mark spots down my arms dried clay caked underneath my nails. I pull out the craft glue slowly placing each on top of the other in an even pattern. Adobe brick with a straw roof. I stepped back from my wonderful artwork/project. I set it down on the bed to dry.

Sitting down on the Papasan chair looking through my emails on my cellphone as it cried out glorious music pleasing my ears. Looking up from an email I felt as if I was being watched. How could I be I was in a two story home that was 155+ year old house. I was an only child in. Sure I had two older sisters but they were much much older than I. Both in their mid twenties so they wouldn’t be caught near their parents whom I still live with. The cost of homes now a days was too expensive and besides it was just my mom and I. I looked out the window seeing a squirrel pass the window. A smile spread filled my face. Looking back at my childhood toys in the corner I began to wonder if I should get rid of them all and donate 75% of them. So we could have more space up here for crafts and such. Tilting my head to the left sharply three loud pops of my neck echoed through the room as I tilted it to the right sounding off four loud popping noises from my neck. I heard a faint snicker past my music. I muted the song trying to pinpoint the small voices. I was starting to think I had lost my mind. Well of course I didn’t have an okay mind anyways I never thought inside the box.

My ears pick up the noise from the little doll house making me shiver in the thoughts of birds and bees with mice. The front door opened and I could hear someone dropping their stuff. I got up running down the steps careful on the broken step. My Mother had just gotten home. I helped her get things cooked for supper. Knowing that there wasn’t food upstairs and  that the mice would have to travel down and risk being killed. I shivered I hated the fact of such small lives being ended so quickly. I take a small plate with cheese, crackers, and a little water. I climb back up the stairs quickly setting the small plate before the little Barbie playhouse. I sit back on the Papasan chair grabbing my cell phone. I get a call from a friend.

“Hey you should come over sometime darling and sing for the guys. I know you’ve got one hell of a voice come and impress them.” My friend Sheila winked.

“You know I don’t have the confidence to do such things.” I replied.

“Why don’t you ever try to live for crying out loud. Do you always do what your parents say shush girl when are you going to rebel against them like normal teens?” She sighed

“Well I’m sorry I disappoint you in that way but I’ve got a project to finish thank you for offering.” I thanked politely.

Hearing her curse before shutting her end off, I shift through my backpack looking for my homework. I started to sing to myself a mix of different songs even some justinbieber even though I always loved making fun of the girly voiced boy. LOL. I prefered only a few of  his songs. One just happens to be Never Say Never I know its annoying but my friends say that I somehow make it sound amazingly better than the original singer but you know what I don’t care it's something I do to pass the time since its only mom and I now.

My shoulders ached from swim practice, I leaned back popping my back stretching my arms to a starting block form. Even though I am no longer in the high school swim team I still occasionally practiced with them to keep in shape when my self defense training was canceled.

I was still humming to the tune in my head. I lived upstairs now, I shifted around my blankets on the bed, as I set the amazing art piece to one side. My dog Shadow appeared peeking her little brown head above the edge of the steps. Laughing I click my tongue letting her jump into my arms. The little runt Lab pup came from Buck’s litter. Even though Buck is no longer with us either. I swirled her around. She was a failed attempt at cloning our beloved yellow lab. Instead of a matching yellow male lab, we got a brown female. The only thing the same was there body build and brown eyes, and webbed feet.

“I know what you want, you want your treats.” I said softly

Her tail leaving a bruise on my chest and back. Smiling I walked down the steps her following with a happy bark. I was going to have to check on the raven my father and I saved a few years ago. When I reappeared into my room area. I noticed all the food was gone and only fine crumbs were left. Half of the water was left as well. I noted this to myself to investigate with my raven sooner or later. I get up walking into the half bathroom in the window was a large cage with a beautiful black raven cawed at me as I got close to her. I poured more feed into her bowl. I gently pull on a leather glove. I open the door cautiously, The raven stretched her wings out flapping out landing gracefully on my shoulder. The head of the bird buried into my brown hair. I chuckle softly as I change her newspapers out tossing the old out in the trashcan. She flies from my shoulder to her little perch on my shelf. I had already given her the choice of freedom but she refused to leave my side for some odd reason. Its amazing how animals seem to bond to people that care of them for so long.

I pull out a my insect box where crickets chirped I held one cricket in tweezers. they were her favorite treat. She swooped in snatching the cricket from my hand swallowing it down gracefully. I petted her head gently, I set her down on her perch. Closing the empty bug holder I sighed silently as I went to my bed. I pushed open my window to the night sky pulling the screen out gently so my precious Raven I named Haven wouldn’t have to retrieve it like so many times before. It almost slipped in my hands making Haven squawk.

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