Chapter 28:Oh Brother!-I Know,I Know..Genius.

Start from the beginning

We can't just tell him that I did dislike him but now we don't because we love eachother;Stupid old us made Ethan gay! We're lucky he understands that Kristen and Ethan are pretending to be in love Infront of his dad!

You're going to give yourself a headache Blair.Let Ethan handle this..

"We do still hate eachother, we were just pretending like me and Kristen are, I wanted you to come stay here so I wanted it to look like everything was fine in the house..But the truth is we are not bestfriends"Ethan covered up the situation with yet another lie.God I can't keep up! Now I have to pretend I dislike Ethan,again!

Nathan kept his eyes still for a moment,it was so brief the clocks tick halted within its prescence.

"You didn't have to pretend..I would of came anyway.."And with that my brother headed up the stairs.

"Ethan..I can't keep up with these lies.."I mumbled and he quickly grabbed hold of my waist.Setting fire in my body when he pushed me up against the wall and made butterflies flutter.

"There's only 3..i promise I won't let this plan fail,I want to see you happy..I love you.Fuck.You know how much I wanted to touch you and say those words to you all fricking day! I hate that I can't kiss you and that I have to let go in the next ten seconds,we can't not get caught anywhere...I love you"He whispered along side my ear.Every word he spoke brought me life and happiness.

"How Many times will you call me beautiful and tell me you love me in a day?"I chuckled and he smiled against my neck.

"As many times it takes for you to believe you are and as long as my love for you doesn't die"

"I love you" I whispered and had to restrain my self for kissing him or dragging his body closer to mine as he pulled away.

He had the same smile,the same restrainment as I showed.

"Lie number one-I'm gay.
Lie number two-I 'love' Kristen.
Lie number three-I hate you.Oh and remember we can't tell Kristen about us because she will definitely tell Nathan,we can't have him knowing yet" Ethan lowly mumbled to quickly remind me as Kristen hopped down the stairs.

Her eyes spotting me,she smirked.How I would like to punch that off of her and her daddies face.

"Hey baby it's been a long day so can you come to bed with me and kiss me goodnight..I made it all warm.."She winked at him suggestively and I felt a little bit of sick churn in my stomach.

"I sleep in there too!Remember that!"I shouted as both of them headed up stairs.Ethan only turned around to see my amused expression and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand,smiling.Showing his beautiful teeth outlined by rosy lips.

I let out a long sigh and pressed my back against the living room wall.Its Been a long day..

I've finally figured him out.

I smiled to myself like an idiot and made my way upstairs.I trotted my way past Luke's new bedroom here and heard slight talking whilst I did.

"She's an idiot,She doesn't know anything"Ethans voice called blankly and I carried on walking.Wait what?

I tiptoed backwards till I was outside his door again.Im nosy I can't help it.Whys Ethan in Lukes room anyway?When did Luke arrive?

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